SPLC “Hate List” Being Removed from Guidestar Database

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 5, 2017

The SPLC has been having a real rough time lately.

There’s all of this goyim knowing and it can’t be shut down.

This is what happens when bad goyim begin to outnumber good goyim.

Washington Times:

As far as conservative organizations are concerned, being labeled a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center isn’t just annoying — it’s dangerous.

Gunmen have twice targeted conservatives specifically cited by the SPLC for hate: Republican Rep. Steve Scalise, who was shot June 14 by a fan of the SPLC Facebook page, and the Family Research Council, whose security guard was wounded in 2012 by a man who said he found the FRC on the SPLC’s list of “anti-gay groups.”

So when GuideStar USA, a self-described “neutral” database of nonprofits, decided this year to slap the SPLC’s “hate group” tag on 46 groups, including the FRC, conservatives declared enough.

“Southern Poverty Law is an arm of the left,” said Jerry Boykin, FRC executive vice president, who joined 40 other conservative leaders in a June 21 letter to GuideStar. “To use their data is just incredible, particularly when the results can be exactly what we experienced at Family Research Council when we had a shooter.”

Yes, of course, it is a hit list.

This came up when a Moslem who is against terrorism was put on it.

It’s not really controversial.

The SPLC will issue denials that that is what they intend it to function as, but why else would you have maps with the locations of individuals on it?

The Daily Stormer’s Neo-Nazi Headquarters, AKA Andrew Anglin’s studio apartment. The SPLC just keeps track of this because… because they are allowed to have criticism. 

I don’t even think the SPLC expects anyone to take it seriously when they say they’re not soliciting violence against me and everyone else on this hit list. It’s just a formality that they claim they are not.

When they are asked why they make lists of individuals and their locations and put them on a map, the SPLC claims it is “criticism.” They don’t explain what that means.

Imagine if I had lists of Jews and maps of where they live and then a Jewish congressman – who happened to be on my list – got shot by a crazy – who happened to be a fan of this site.

By the way, I don’t think the SPLC really wanted Scalise to get shot. That’s too high profile. They want people like me to get shot.

Then there’s also the CNN-style mafia “chill effect.”

After initially standing by the SPLC tags, GuideStar CEO Jacob Harold agreed Tuesday to remove the designations, citing a commitment to objectivity as well as “concerns for our staff’s well-being.”

He said some employees had faced harassment.

Oh so they’re the victims.

After publishing a hit list.

At the same time, he said the charity tracker would continue to provide SPLC data to interested parties.

“We will continue to make this information available upon request to anyone who seeks it,” Mr. Harold said. “And we are actively exploring how else we might be able to share information on those groups that abuse nonprofit status to advance an agenda of hate.”

That wasn’t enough for the Liberty Counsel Chairman Mat Staver, who announced Wednesday that the group had filed a lawsuit against GuideStar for what he described as its “reckless defamatory and harmful political labeling.”

“The only purpose of providing the SPLC false and dangerous ‘hate group’ label is to inflict reputational and financial harm to Liberty Counsel,” Mr. Staver said. “GuideStar has lost all credibility.”

The SPLC rushed to GuideStar’s defense, saying, “We stand ready to support our designation of Liberty Counsel as a hate group.”

“Liberty Counsel is a group that has consistently called LGBT people ‘immoral, unnatural and self-destructive,’” said SPLC President Richard Cohen. “It has a track record of attempting to criminalize homosexual conduct and to legalize discrimination against the LGBT community.”


They’re Christians.

The SPLC definition of “hate group” includes all Christians.

With more than 2 million profiles, GuideStar has billed itself as the “world’s largest nonprofit database,” but conservatives said the episode has raised troubling questions about whether the charity tracker harbors a political agenda.

Philanthropy Roundtable’s Karl Zinsmeister, a former adviser to President George W. Bush, took the SPLC to task this year, calling its extremist list a political tool, not a “Consumer Reports guide,” and describing the organization as a “cash-collecting machine.”

Mr. Harold acknowledged that the SPLC has been accused of political bias and being “too focused on fundraising,” but he concluded that “no data source is perfect.”

He said GuideStar’s concern lies with combating those who “abuse nonprofit status to spread hateful rhetoric.” He defined hate as the attempt to “denigrate or marginalize a group of people based solely on their identity.”

“We have seen overwhelming evidence that hateful agendas have been pushed by individuals within nonprofit organizations,” Mr. Harold said. “There can and must be a debate regarding how we define ‘hate,’ but we do believe it is within GuideStar’s mission to help the public understand how its philanthropic dollars are used.”

Yeah, we do need to define “hate.”

If it’s the emotion of hate, which is the actual definition of the word, then clearly the SPLC would be at the top of the list. They are the most driven by hate.

The SPLC and Mr. Harold are clearly not using the actual definition of the word as an emotion – they have some political definition, and one which they have not defined.

As a person actually on the list as an individual, I can tell you that I don’t feel the emotion of hate very often. I mostly do it for the lulz.

Like this:

I feel deep satisfaction to be featured in the top story on WaPo.

Beyond lulz, I am also interested in saving Western Civilization from complete destruction. I don’t feel hateful about that either.

Different people on the hate list no doubt have different drives to get them doing something which gets them on the hate list, though I think it is highly unusual that it would be “the emotion of hate.”

Hate Face

Hate Fox

Christians obviously do it for religious reasons. Saying that “Christianity is a religion of hate” while also maintaining that “Islam is a religion of peace” is going to be a little bit difficult for most normal people to go along with, which is why there is no definition.

The only people on the SPLC’s “hate list” who I think are genuine haters are the black groups. They definitely feel the emotion of hate for whites.

So yes.

I would appreciate if the SPLC released an actual definition of what they mean when they say “hate group.” Because the idea that they are inferring to someone’s emotional state is absurd.

Of course, if they did define it, that would mean it couldn’t continue to expand indefinitely.