Michelle Malkin Banned from Airbnb for Being a White Nationalist Hater

Former Fox News commenter and best-selling author Michelle Malkin was banned from Airbnb for being a white supremacist.

She’s written a long article about it, where she explains that the Southern Poverty Law Center, a Jewish hate group, just ordered Airbnb to ban her and her family from using the service.

They sent her a letter saying they have a policy against members of hate groups staying in their hotels. (This has happened before, it actually happened all the way back at Charlottesville, but in that case it was at least in theory to keep people from engaging in activism, which is normal political censorship.)

This is a new kind of censorship that isn’t really even censorship, it’s just discrimination. She wasn’t booking the room to give a speech in it. So it isn’t really censoring speech. It’s just saying “you can’t have a normal life and do normal people things.”

With this new QR code system we’re going into, I don’t see why this couldn’t be applied to everything. The whole QR code plan is for all movement to be tracked, so that when you enter into anywhere, you’re recorded as being you, entering the place.

So why can’t any business just ban people based on this QR code tracking system? Obviously they can, and thus far, no organization has stood up to the SPLC and the ADL when they make these demands. These are both Jewish activist groups, which are obviously directly linked into the Jewish media, and when they call you and tell you to do something, there is always an implicit threat that they will use their direct line to the media to publicize that you are “enabling hate.”

Malkin had spoken at Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance conference, and Airbnb said this meant she had to sleep in her car, or just freeze to death in the streets.

Obviously, it’s not Airbnb that is making these decisions. They don’t run their own hate tracker. They just do whatever the Jews tell them to do. That is the precedent that has been set.

I just want to make an important point: the ADL is now simply an arm of the Democrat Party, but they were founded with the very noble mission of blaming an innocent black person for a Jewish child murder. It’s really sad how far they’ve fallen from their original mission to blame innocent blacks when Jews murder little girls.

I wish the ADL could return to its noble roots of blaming innocent black janitors for child murders committed by Jews, but alas, they are just too linked into the Demon-rat liberal media agenda, and instead are focused on getting Filipinas banned from hotels.