Stand Up Against Those Yellow-Bellied Sons of Bitches

This is an old man ranting about how he and his people stood up against the vaccine mandate and won. It’s a humorous video.

I have said and will continue to say that you can’t do this long term.

But – but – for the time being, if you are able to organize your entire team to refuse the mandate, you might get away with it. They are going to take the path of least resistance with the first round of these mandates. So if some group stands up and pushes back, they probably will back down – temporarily.

At the same time, hospitals are closing entire units because they are just letting people walk out if they won’t comply with the mandate.

So, they might back down and they might not.

But obviously, you should try to fight. There is no reason not to fight.

Yesterday, I linked to a guide about how to resist the mandates.

I just want to make sure everyone understands: in the long run, you are not going to be able to keep your job, unless you have some very unique situation. At least 99% of purebloods are going to be fired within a year’s time, and probably sooner.

If there is a mass walkout as the old man above describes, and the employer caves, then that just means that when more places have submitted, the regime will swing back around and grab these people.

There’s a limit to how much they will shut down at once. So they will get an idea about who is resisting, and then start bringing in foreigners to fill those jobs.

Obviously, if the whole country could organize a general strike against the mandates, then that would be different. But because of censorship, we just simply do not have the ability to do that. Everyone now relies on the internet for this type of communication – Facebook in particular – and Facebook is obviously banning any attempt to organize against mandates.

Once again: internet censorship is the only way any of this was ever possible in the first place.

When I was whining about it in 2017, it wasn’t just about the fact that I got screwed personally. It literally was the single most important issue on earth. But no one did anything. And here we are.

Whatever happens – stay pure.