Star Wars Introduces Tranny “Non-Binary” Jedi Knight Brothers

Bobby Stockings BLACKLIVESMATTER is right – Disney has continually refused to include trans characters in Star Wars, despite the demands of the fans. 

They’ve taken their damn time, but Disney Star Wars has FINALLY introduced some much needed transsexuals into the story.


The official Facebook page for the Star Wars movie franchise celebrated “Trans Day of Visibility” on Wednesday by unveiling the recently created characters Terec and Ceret, who are “trans non-binary Jedi Knights.”

“In honor of #TransDayOfVisibility,” the caption to the artwork reads, “we’re proud to unveil an exclusive cover highlighting Terec and Ceret, trans non-binary Jedi, currently featured in Marvel’s The High Republic comic. We support trans lives and we are passionate and committed to broadening our representation in a galaxy far far way.”

The High Republic project is a new multi-media “sub-franchise” made up of books for kids, young adult and adult novels, and comic books intended to expand the Star Wars universe into all new stories set 200 years before the saga of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.

The Star Wars franchise has taken criticism from left-wing activists for its reluctance to introduce fully realized LGBTQ characters into its Skywalker saga movies, books, and comics.

Fans of the classic Star Wars films have been demanding really extreme transsexual sex be inserted into the franchise for years.

This is why we sacrificed the Expanded Universe created by Timothy Zahn (and many others), and changed it out for that nonsensical JJ Abrams garbage – because the fanbase of Star Wars was outraged that there simply was not enough anal in the Star Wars Universe.

Disney first said “we can’t get enough anal into the Expanded Universe, so we have to start from scratch – we have to go full double anal.”

But it was a trick.

In the new Star Wars trilogy, Disney refused to include even a single anal sex scene – let alone trans non-binary double interracial anal.

Sure, they introduced a more accurate and modern portrayal of a woman in the new films, which is in line with modern values.

But the closest they came to showing the identities of LGBTQPB+ was a healthy at any size Vietnamese woman having sex with a gorilla.

I’m happy that Asian furries got representation. Bravo, Disney. You made it out of the stone age.

But why are there no trans people? It’s 2021 already.

This is not the year 1217, my name is not Sir Reginald Mockington IV, and I’m not invading Jerusalem to reclaim the Holy Land in the name of the One True Faith. I’m not slicing the heads off of Saracens while screaming “Deus Vult.”

This is not 1792, my name is not Roy McCoy, and I’m not a settler riding a caravan on the Oregon trail attempting to conquer the wilderness in the name of Manifest Destiny. I’m not tying more horses outside the village saloon and flipping the stable boy a penny to shine his hooves.

This is not an older period in history, this is the current period of time, and what that means is that we want to see Disney show pornographic scenes of lesbians with penises pounding each other in their non-binary anuses to children.

Get with it, and understand that the fans want transgenderism. Classic fans and new fans alike are demanding it.

Disney could really learn a lot from Paramount-CBS, who introduced fans to everything they wanted in Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Picard. Fans old and new universally agreed that this new Star Trek is everything that Star Trek should be.

Disney has been under the influence of white supremacy and outdated Christian extremism for far too long. The relative failure of the third film in the JJ Abram trilogy showed that Disney’s Middle Ages type value system simply is not popular anymore.

Hopefully, Disney has learned their lesson, and they’re finally going to start introducing some real diversity into Star Wars.