Still No Test Results From Soap Allegedly Made Of Jewish Fat

Daily Slave
March 22, 2015

6,000,000% genuine Jew soap lol.

Remember the story a few weeks ago about the alleged bar of soap made of Jewish fat by evil Germans?  Someone had put this item up for sale on eBay which prompted 60 trillion Jew tears to be shed.  Eventually the item was removed from eBay and the soap was said to have been sent to a lab by police for analysis to see if it was indeed made of Jewish fat.

I would be shocked if we ever hear of the results.  If we do, they’ll probably say the tests were inconclusive or they’ll flat out lie.  That’s because the concept of Jews being turned into soap is a myth.

Even the Jewish Virtual Library has an article where several Jews fully admit that there is no evidence of Germans turning Jews into soap. Here’s a quote taken from the first paragraph of the article.

“It’s a general conception that the Nazis manufactured soap,” says Michael Berenbaum, who was project manager for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum [USHMM] before it opened in 1993 and headed the museum’s research institute until 1997. “But those of us working in this area have not used it as an example [of Nazi atrocity] in the last 10 to 15 years. We don’t have any evidence that the Nazis actually manufactured soap with human bodies.” 

This advertisement was featured prominently in drug store windows across Germany during WWII.  A common insult at the time was "you can't even afford pure Jew soap."
This advertisement was featured prominently in drug store windows across Germany during WWII. A common insult at the time was “you can’t even afford pure Jew soap.”