Stormer Book Club’s Operation White America a Smashing Success!

Daily Stormer
April 7, 2018

Oy vey, all the hate!

How is this possible in current year???

This brotha here sho’ nuff didn’t appreciate it, but don’t you worry fam, he gonna keep an eye out fo’ de perps!

You should probably show him some love on Twitter, you know, for how brave a colored gentleman he is and all.


No worries though, because, thank the Lord, the Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students at UNC Charlotte is on the case! She is the avenging heroine of hurt colored feels!

Goodness gracious, what on Earth could be causing such mass triggering all over the place?

Turns out it’s a flyer with some of those hateful and hurtful facts that are banned on campuses nationwide!

OH MY GAWD!!! This is worse than another shoah and 400 more years of slavery!

Stormer Book Club has been very busy. After all, it is a club For White Men of Good Character, so they’re not gonna sit around being lazy while these anti-American scum try to take away the birthright our forefathers won for us in toil and blood!

Below is a sample of the great work Stormers across America did for this campaign. It is by no means a full accounting of all the locations and cities.

Portland, OR

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

University of North Carolina – Charlotte, Charlotte, NC

Houston, TX – some giant mosque

Butler University, Indianapolis, IN

Lincoln, NE

Keene, NH

Reno, NV

Weber University, Ogden, UT

Midwestern University, Wichita Falls, TX

Synagogue of David, Wichita Falls, TX

Stormer Book Club is the premier American Nationalist, pro-White activist organization. It’s not just a club, it is a band of brothers!

If you’re a White Man of good Character and you’re interested in Stormer Book Clubs, and would like more information, email