Stormer Poll: Who do You Think did Jew Boris?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 28, 2015

Dead Jew Boris Nemtsov
Dead Jew Boris Nemtsov

Following the death of Jew Boris, the leader of the Russian opposition party standing against Czar Vladimir I, many different theories are being forwarded.

So, I am interested to see the readers personal leanings. I am not asking you to give some official speculation, simply to say which option you find to be the most likely.

Here are the most likely perpetrators:

1.) The West

"The West" as a collective of Jews and Jew puppets, appears to have the most to gain from this killing.
“The West” as a collective of Jews and Jew puppets, appears to have the most to gain from this killing.

The obvious explanation, when you hear that Boris had been saying he was going to be killed by Putin, is that the West did it for the purpose of demonizing Putin.

This is probably the most likely perpetrator. Either the CIA or the Mossad took him out. They were rather clearly responsible for the shootings at the Maidan that resulted in the overthrow of Yanokovich. Though in this case, they aren’t going to be turning the people against Putin by killing his enemy, as I’m sure most Russians feel like I do: if Putin did it, he did it for the sake of Russia.

The one thing that makes me question this most likely of perpetrators is that Boris was a Jew, and Jews generally will not harm another Jew. There are some historical cases of Jews killing other Jews to forward a Jew agenda, but they are very rare and in some of these cases I think the Jew deaths may have been faked (King David Hotel).

Please note that the Jews were literally calling up Jews before 9/11 and telling them not to go into work that day. These weren’t big Jews, just normal old Jews, and they risked giving away their involvement in the attack to ensure they lived.

2.) Putin Himself

Has this meme been true all along?
Has this meme been true all along?

The Jew media position is that Putin ordered the hit himself.

This does not make clear political sense, as Boris did not represent a significant opposition politically. It would, however, send a message to the West and in particular the Jews that he is not playing a game.

On some level, it also makes him seem more romantic and capable in the minds of the European right (and Europeans in general, on a subconscious level at least), who understand that it is going to take a man with strength beyond anything we currently see in European politics to fix the problems we are dealing with, in particular the immigration issue.  Putin is presently in the process of solidifying ties with the “far-right” or Europe. I don’t think this probably makes much sense, but I think everyone who reads this site respects a political leader willing to destroy his enemies.

It could also be seen as a message to the West, and in particular the Jews, given that they continue to push against him.

But again, Putin seems to have more to lose than benefit from this, in my opinion.

Even Boris’ own allies are saying it is unlikely the Kremlin ordered it, even while the Jew media lays blame on Putin personally.

3.) Russian Patriots Acting of Their Own Accord

Russia is a rough place, and Putin has a whole lot of support among all strata of society.
Russia is a rough place, and Putin has a whole lot of support among all strata of society.

Many Russians I have personally known have a violent streak, and people are constantly getting killed in Moscow. It isn’t particularly unlikely that a Russian patriot, who viewed the filthy Jew Boris as a danger to his country, acted of his own accord and took him out.

This is in many ways more likely than the first two options.

4.) The Maidan

Despite coaching from John Kerry and other American Jews, the Jews who run the Maidan have proved themselves to be total loose cannon whackjobs.
Despite coaching from John Kerry and other American Jews, the Jews who run the Maidan have proved themselves to be total loose cannon whackjobs.

It appears that the Maidan did Malaysian Jet without permission from the higher authorities in the West – that is, they set up their own false flag, shooting down the plane to blame Putin, without the oversight of CIA or Mossad. That is my assumption at least, given how sloppy it was.

It was also very bold. The same level of boldness that this Boris killing entailed.

With this, there is the same issue that I don’t really see Jews killing other Jews, and the Maidan is completely run by Jews.

5.) “Other”

Some are going so far as to claim Moslem terrorists might have done it.
Some are going so far as to claim Moslem terrorists might have done it.

The above listed are in my view the four most likely options, but as there are other possibilities, I will leave an “other” option. The Telegraph has published a piece saying that it could have been Moslem terrorists or angry business associates (he was a Jew, so you know he pissed off some business associates).

If you answer “other,” you can explain in the comments.

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