Stormer, Volume 18: We’re Saying It Again.

Daily Stormer
December 24, 2017

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Merry Christmas. We’re saying it again. After years of people uttering this degenerate “Happy Holidays” garbage as if we as a nation celebrate that Jew holiday or the porchmonkey Kwanzaa in any significant quantity. Trump gave us this back. Everyone is telling me Merry Christmas. It feels right, after decades of assault on the tradition simply because it brought joy to the average man, we have asserted it once more. The Grinch has been expelled from our psyches, and I can’t wait to expel him completely, all the way to Israel.

I’m pretty far north of the equator now and the vast majority of my waking hours are spent without sun. It becomes so easy to see why solstice festivities were so important to my ancestors. When things are so abysmal and dark, you need some happiness in the world. You need some connection with your loved ones. You need a ray of hope and joy to cut through the darkness and shine its light upon you.

When I see you all laugh at the jokes we make, I feel that light.
When you all send messages about how we fixed your attitude towards women and you got a girlfriend, I feel that light.
When you all find brotherhood and community here, I feel that light.

This publication is a gift from us to you. What you give back is a wondrous thing. It gives my life meaning. You make my life worth living, I want you to know that. I love you. I’d be lost without you all. What you give to me, what we’ve built together, it matters as much to me as it does to you. You are the dawn that melts away the darkness.

Merry Christmas. We’re saying it again. It’s time everybody heard it. I want you to call up and email all the kike establishments you can think of and Tweet all the big Jews you hate most and tell them what they need to hear:


Let the Christmas well wishes bombard every Jew from all angles. Let them be tortured with the joy of the goy. Nothing gets these people angrier than white men and women gleeful on Christmas. Let’s show them how absolutely happy we are. Let’s shove it in their faces until they choke to death on Christmas joy.