Stormer, Volume 19: When Two-Faced Isn’t a Bad Thing

Daily Stormer
December 31, 2017

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Pagan Rome dedicated the rites of the New Year to the god Janus, the two-faced god of transitions. One of his faces looks into the past and the other the future. It was traditional to offer a cake called a janual at the New Year. The composition of this has been lost to the ages, but you could make due with an arbitrary cake if you were so inclined. Maybe it doesn’t hurt to honor the old ways at a time like this.

The doors of Janus’s temples were open during wartime, and closed in peacetime. Though he was not a god of war, war was a special time for him because in a time of crisis you get must decide on the civilizational scale where it is you want to arrive at and who you want to be when you get there. On the new year the master of the rites would proclaim where he hoped civilization to arrive at. We do this as individuals every New Year’s when we forge resolutions. This is our chance to redefine ourselves.

If there’s one thing that we can learn from Janus it’s that you can’t look towards the future without an eye for the past. We’re entering into something new now, and we’re going to want to keep sight of history to make sure we’re emulating the kinds of behaviors that are proven to lead to success.

2018 is going to be a good year for us. Groypers are making things extra cozy, but don’t let the coziness draw you too far in. We’re going to see some easy wins, but in 2019 we could be looking at a massive global war as the deep state decides to stymie progress on the domestic civilization by plunging us into foreign conflict. So this is the time to get serious and make preparations. If you don’t like the situation or place that you’re in, use this year to just walk away from it.

I was a Lutheran for a while. They celebrate the New Year as the time Christ was circumsized. I never really knew what to make of that at all. Always seemed like a very bizarre reason to throw a party, but that’s just me. I think I prefer a two faced god that loves cakes to a feast centered around infant mutilation.

I’m going to go drink some rakija. I’m going to offer Janus some cake too. Might as well, I don’t eat that stuff anyways, it’s not paleo. I’ll see you all in the view of Janus’s other face. Happy New Year, everyone.