Stormer, Volume 20: Look Out For Scheming Cops

Daily Stormer
January 7, 2018

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I’m not generally one that jumps too far down the rabbit holes of various trutherist movements. I caught a lot of flak once for talking about the Oklahoma City Bombing with the assumption that Timothy McVeigh did it without any weird government plot. I mean it’s entirely possible that it was some sort of federal conspiracy but at the end of the day whether it was a real thing or if it was fake, as a propagandist what you have to do is approach it from the perspective of what people think is true and work from there. Regardless if McVeigh was earnest in what he’s doing or if it was a government plot what the establishment wanted was the same– for people to grovel before authorities and condemn any kinetic retaliation against the agents of Jewry.

That’s why we don’t do that here. When confronted with acts of violence, we shrug and joke how Dylann Roof was just defending himself against a bunch of mammies trying to steal his phone. Or say that these things are sad but inevitable consequences of foreign immigration and destruction of the white family. Or we point out the huge disparity of black on white violence, or how police are more eager and likely to shoot white suspects. Who cares about one single event when the net sum of all violence shows that whites are barely committing any of it in comparison to less desirable races? We oppose committing violence. You should not do any act of violence first and foremost because it will waste your life and not accomplish much. However we’ll never give a single apology for the martyrs that do cross that line, however ill advised they may be.

This Taylor Michael Wilson terrorism charge with the NSM business card thing is different, because it is so obviously and unquestionably an obvious false flag. This guy pulls the brake on an Amtrak train and they are charging him with terrorism. It was done in the last impactful place possible: rural Nebraska. This is the opposite of what people committing acts of political violence do, they want to choose the most impactful place possible. I mean you figure there would be more fertile ground for RaHoWa. Agents of censorship are the primary issues facing the movement right now. Why a train in the middle of nowhere? That doesn’t make sense, unless this is some kind of theater scripted by federal agents. They had this guy at Charlottesville and Shelbyville, and armed with a fiction that lever pulling is some essential act of violence, they will attempt to use anti-terror legislation against the lawful political actors that attended those rallies.

They have not one corpse. Not one of our guys has killed anybody. Heather Heyer died of a heart attack because she was fat. She did not get hit by Field’s car. That’s a fact. So instead they have this informant pull a lever that doesn’t even gas anybody and they’re going to run around to a bunch of judges claiming that is grounds for all sorts of invasive surveillance and sabotage.

A law enforcement plot to violate the rights of American citizens is at the center of this, and those responsible should be prosecuted for that. Be on your guard, these kikes are getting desperate and will try anything now.

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