Study: Music and Movies Change Your Emotions and Brain Activity

Popular music is a psychological operation. In fact, pop culture in general is a psychological operation. New research shows that music and movies affect people’s emotional states.

Study Finds:

Music can evoke a wide variety of different emotions in listeners. While some songs put a smile on our faces all day, other can bring us to tears in seconds! So, can your brain’s reaction to music reveal what kind of tunes you’re listening to? A new study finds researchers can actually tell if a person is hearing happy or sad music based on the activity going on in certain regions of the brain.

A team from the University of Turku in Finland examined 102 participants listening to music while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging, or an fMRI. Using machine learning algorithms to map the brain, researchers located which areas light up when exposed to different emotion-inducing songs.

Based on the activation of the auditory and motor cortex, we were able to accurately predict whether the research subject was listening to happy or sad music. The auditory cortex processes the acoustic elements of music, such as rhythm and melody. Activation of the motor cortex, then again, may be related to the fact that music inspires feelings of movement in the listeners even when they are listening to music while holding still in an MRI machine,” explains postdoctoral researcher Vesa Putkinen in a university release.

The Finnish team also discovered which brain areas are active while watching various films that bring forth strong emotions. They tested if these regions are the same ones which are stimulated by music. The results suggest that what you see and what you hear actually spark different mechanisms in the brain when it comes to emotions.

Films, for instance, activate the deeper parts of the brain that regulate emotions in real-life situations. Listening to music did not strongly activate these regions nor did their activation separate the music-induced emotions from each other,” Putkinen reports. “This may be due to the fact that films can more realistically copy the real-life events that evoke emotions and thus activate the innate emotion mechanisms. As for the music-induced emotions, they are based on the acoustic characteristics of music and colored by cultural influences and personal history.”

Considering that Jews are behind most popular music and movies, the implications of this are pretty grim.

When people listen to music and watch movies or TV series, they’re giving the keys to their emotional state to whoever or whatever created the media they’re allowing into their mind.

Emotions affect decisions.

From a May 9, 2018 Forbes article:

According to Herbert Simon, American Nobel Laureate scientist, “In order to have anything like a complete theory of human rationality, we have to understand what role emotion plays in it.”

As Dr. Simon and others have pointed out, emotions influence, skew or sometimes completely determine the outcome of a large number of decisions we are confronted with in a day. Therefore, it behooves all of us who want to make the best, most objective decisions to know all we can about emotions and their effect on our decision-making.

But, just in case you’re not sold on what I and Dr. Simon say, and you continue to believe you can make decisions free of emotional bias, let’s look at how emotions are formed and how they are transformed into actionable feelings.

First, every feeling begins with an external stimulus, whether it’s what someone said or a physical event. That stimulus generates an unfelt emotion in the brain, which causes the body to produce responsive hormones. These hormones enter the bloodstream and create feelings, sometimes negative and sometimes positive.

So, to review, it’s stimuli, then emotions, then hormones and, finally, feelings. In other words, your emotions impact your decision-making process by creating certain feelings.

According to another expert in the field, American-Portuguese neuroscientist Dr. Antonio R. Damasio, the brain constantly needs to update its information on the body’s state in order to regulate the many processes that keep it alive. And, it needs to translate those emotions into actionable feelings. In an ever-changing environment, this is the only way an organism can survive.

For instance, when we feel threatened by something, the initial emotion is labeled “fear.” That fear, by means of hormones, results in the production of fight-or-flight responsive feelings, allowing our body to react quickly and appropriately for its own self-preservation. This emotional reaction happens suddenly and unconsciously. Then, usually after an extremely short period of time, we become aware of those changes. We become aware of them only after responsive hormones have entered our bloodstream and we experience them as a feeling of being frightened or perhaps inferior.

If something can influence your emotional state, it can influence your hormonal balance.

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Music and movies are being used as manipulation tools. People would be better off filtering out as much of this pop culture garbage as possible.