Study Says Coronavirus Mortality Rate is “Similar to That of the Flu”

“Silly human, it was literally just the flu.”

The panic train has no breaks, apparently, so no amount of data, studies, or reasoning will make governments and the media change their narrative about this virus.

Still, a recent study supports Mr Anglin’s assessment of the situation: coronavirus appears to be literally just the flu.


On Saturday, the Economist reported that the fact that the illness caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread across the United States could be “good news.”

If millions of people were infected weeks ago without dying, the virus must be less deadly than official data suggest,” the magazine determined, using graphs to suggest the faster the disease spreads and hits its peak, the fewer people will die.

The Economist article cited a new study by Justin Silverman and Alex Washburne that used data on influenza-like illness (ili) to show that the coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) is now widespread in America.

Silverman and Washburne found that the coronavirus mortality rate could be as low as 0.1 percent, “similar to that of flu.”

The new study’s coronavirus death rate estimate is much lower than what Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the White House Coronavirus Taskforce, predicted in early March.

“If you look at the cases that have come to the attention of the medical authorities in China, and you just do the math, the math is about two percent,” Fauci said.

A study from Britain published at the end of last month in the medical journal Lancet Infectious Diseases also found that fewer people are dying from the novel coronavirus than previously estimated.

That study estimated the coronavirus death rate could be as low as 0.66 percent and as high as 1.38 percent. Fauci’s estimate is higher than both figures.

Recent data from Iceland suggests that the death rate is closer to 0.004 percent.

Compared to countries that calculate the coronavirus death rate just from the people who present symptoms and seek medical attention, Iceland’s death rate is much more accurate and much less scary.

Looking at the numbers objectively, it’s hard to argue against the idea that more people will die as a result of the lockdown and overall response to the virus than from the virus itself.