Stupidness: None of the People the Accuser Slut Named Remember the Alleged Rape Party

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 23, 2018

This thing is still going.

But it’s falling apart, totally.

Their only argument is “rape allegations must always be the most important thing of all time, and anyone who is ever accused of rape is guilty.”

If they actually gave a shit about rape, they would read the race war section of this site. This is just about destruction. I blame the Fabian Society.


As the Senate Judiciary Committee staff negotiates with attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of a past sexual assault, over a potential hearing on Thursday, Republican staffers are working to interview those who may have information about the alleged incident.

CNN has learned that the committee has reached out to a longtime friend of Ford named Leland Ingham Keyser.

“I understand that you have been identified as an individual who was in attendance at a party that occurred circa 1982 described in a recent Washington Post article,” a committee staffer wrote Keyser earlier this week.

On Saturday night, her lawyer, Howard Walsh, released a statement to CNN and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“Simply put,” Walsh said, “Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”

Previously, Kavanaugh’s own friends have said they do not remember the party.

Another of Ford’s friends posted on Facebook that she did remember it, then deleted the post and said she didn’t have any idea – presumably, she is a shitlib who wanted to support the crusade, but then was informed by some lawyer that she was going to be called to testify and was like “oh.”

This entire thing is fake.

It is a stalling tactic, and a general tactic of trying to defame Kavanaugh.

They are trying to hold this up long enough that there is no vote on Thursday, so the process has to start over again. The process starting over would presumably include a new nominee, just because this was such a circus.

At least John McCain is dead. But there are still other questionable Republicans in the Senate, such as that bitch from the Labyrinth, Susan Collins.

Funnily enough, she actually helped the girl in the Labyrinth.

But actually if you reanalyze that movie, and realize that Jennifer Connolly is a Jew, so her baby brother was a Jew also, David Bowie was a heroic Aryan Wizard just trying to harass and murder Jews.

God bless him.

If we had an army of Aryan Wizards kidnapping kike children and forcing their siblings to go through evil mazes, we’d be a helluva lot better off than we are now.