Sunday Sermon: How to Break Pornography Addiction and Quit Masturbating

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 15, 2019

I have written recently about the plague of pornography and its effects on the souls of men. I have also acknowledged that all men are de facto addicted to it, because they are infected with it at such a young age.

At the end of the second piece, I give some advice on how to quit, and here I will elaborate.

If you are like most modern men, you use masturbation and pornography less as a substitute for sex and more as a drug. Sexual stimulation to the point of ejaculation leads to a large dopamine release in the brain, in the same way that heroin leads to a dopamine release in the brain.

If you are addicted to pornography, this can be identified by a brain scan.

People who are addicted to pornography masturbate to it several times a week, if not more.

Even if you were initially to get into pornography as simply a substitute for sex, it would quickly become used as a drug, because of the addictive nature of the material, and the ease with which dopamine can be released.

Masturbation to pornography is also more stimulating than actual sex itself, due to a number of factors, including the novelty of the women, as well as the way you are able to cater the experience to your own desires.

So this needs to be understood: you need to look at it as nothing more or less than a type of drug addiction.

You are ensnared by Satan himself.

You will absolutely have withdrawal symptoms when quitting. You will feel an extreme desire to go back to it. You will feel depressed in the first stages of being away from it, because your brain has wired itself to rely on it in order to stimulate its pleasure centers.

This is all deadly serious.

Be ready to suffer in the same way that anyone quitting any drug suffers. The withdrawal period will last several months. You will know when it is over, because you will feel generally better, more energetic, happier and not have a desire to masturbate.

Ask God

As sociologists have documented, pornography use breaks your relationship with God by making you less religious and less prone to believing God exists. So the first step in freeing yourself from the addiction is to ask God for help. Tell him that you want to stop, and tell him that you understand you cannot do it without him. 

From there, you move into the realm of simple, pragmatic strategy to overcome this scourge.

Avoid Triggers

If you know that certain websites contain pornographic imagery, or even the names of pornographic films, you should do everything you can to avoid going to those websites during the initial phases of your withdrawal.

For example, most Bittorrent trackers have pornography. They have pornographic ads, which you can block using an adblocker such as Ublock Origin. Brave Browser automatically blocks ads. But even with ads blocked, you might see the names of films, which could trigger you into clicking them. So you want to avoid that.

Many imageboards also allow pornographic imagery. Avoid that.

Also avoid sites that show especially sexualized imagery, even if it is not hardcore pornography.

Also avoid non-pornographic entertainment media which includes sexualized imagery. And yes, that includes anime. If you are an anime fan, you are probably aware of some kind of system which labels which anime contains sexual imagery, and while you are in the withdrawal phase, you should avoid it. Also avoid HBO/Netflix shows which contain sexual imagery until you are completely free of the habit.

Eventually, once you are through with the withdrawal and your brain has stabilized itself, you will be able to stumble upon pornographic imagery and it will not phase you. You will be able to simply click past it. But in the initial phases of quitting, you need to be careful.

Avoid Pointless Interactions with Women

Although I am generally opposed to pointless interactions with women as a rule, you need to be especially careful with this during the withdrawal phase from pornography addiction. As I have stated, pornography addiction is a separate phenomenon from sex, but obviously it is related to sex. And having flirty interactions with women, whether they are waitresses or girls at your school or whatever, can lead to increased thoughts of sex, which can lead to a desire to masturbate.

You should also avoid places where you know attractive women will be dressed provocatively. This can lead to a build up of sexual thoughts which can result in masturbation.

Once again, once you are free from the addiction, you will be able to be stone cold around women. And when you’re not a masturbator, you will also feel more comfortable and confident around them. But during the withdrawal period, stay away from them as much as you are able.

Break Patterns

You probably have specific times and places where you are prone to masturbating. Do your best to avoid being in these situations.

If you live with other people, then your masturbating is presumably done in your bedroom alone, and you should consider simply not bringing a computer into your bedroom at night (or whenever it is you are prone to masturbating).

You may also inject other activities into your routine to replace the masturbation activity. You can go outside and go for a walk, go to the gym, go to a coffee shop – or you can do something less ambitious, such as play video games. Forcing yourself to do anything during the period when you would normally masturbate will help you to avoid masturbating, because the brain tends to function on routines.

Create new routines which remove the masturbation activity from your routine.

Get Involved in Physical Activity

I know that I would personally sink into depression if I was not in the gym several times a week. This is because physical activity creates endorphins in the brain. This is a healthy way to compensate for the loss of dopamine in the brain that quitting pornography creates.

Quitting pornography and starting a gym routine should go hand in hand.

If you are already active in the gym, then change your routine to something more strenuous. Push yourself harder.

Seek Support

I know it is embarrassing to admit that you are addicted to pornography, but if you have someone you feel like you can tell that to, you should tell them.

If you do not have such a person, you should still try to rely on social activity as part of your strategy for breaking the addiction. If you start to get an urge to masturbate, calling someone on the phone, and just talking to them for a while about whatever will likely cause the urge to pass.

For example, you can call an auntie, or some elderly relative, who is probably looking for someone to talk to about anything, and just ask them how their day was. Older female relatives in particular are usually excited when their nephews/grandsons/whatever call them, because they are often just sitting around the house not doing much.

If you get off the phone and still have an urge, you can say a prayer and play a round of Dota or do some pushups.

If You Fall, Get Back Up

The worst mindset you can have is that if you break a streak of not masturbating, and do it once, that you might as well just give up because you’ve failed.

If you have a “relapse” incident, it does not negate the previous streak. You still went for however many days you went for without doing it, and that remains an accomplishment, even after you’ve gone back to it. Forgive yourself, and be proud of how far you made it. Know that the next time, you will do better.

Remember the Goal

Always keep in your mind that you are making yourself into a better man. You are doing it for yourself, you are doing it for the people you love. You are doing it for your future children.

When you are through to the other side, you will be more content, you will be more confident, you will be stronger, you will have more energy, you will be more masculine and you will have a stronger connection to God.

Always keep your mind on that goal.

Always remember that some day you will die. And know that when you come to the time to die, you will look back on your life, and you will look at the things you did right, the things you accomplished, and you will look at the things you did wrong, and the things you could have accomplished and failed to do.

In all things you do, you should be looking forward to the time when it will come for you to die.

When the time comes to die, you want to be proud of the life you lived. And to truly be proud of the life you lived, you must become the man that God intended for you to become.