Supporters of the Militant Anti-White Jew Tim Wise Turn Violent at Indiana State University

October 10, 2013

Tim Wise is an extreme left-wing spokesman/author, who has publicly advocated violence in the past. He spoke at Indiana State University. When a small group arrived to protest Wise’s presence, supporters of Tim Wise turned extremely violent.

A supporter of Tim Wise is being apprehended by police after a violent rampage. Supporters of Tim Wise allegedly attacked a group of protesters with mace, a knife, and a padlock in a sock.

The protest continued after this arrested was made.

Protesters who were assaulted with mace and then the man in the middle was hit with a padlock in a sock.

See collection of Tim Wise Tweets

Tim Wise is a regular guest on CNN. Wise calls himself an “anti-racist educator” on twitter. Wise gives speeches and writes books where he claims that white people make to much money. He has made him very very wealthy with this schtick. On November 5th, 2012 he called on his followers to murder members of the TEA Party. Despite advocating murder, CNN and other networks continue to use and promote him.
