Supreme Court Says School Discriminating Against Asians is Fine

The fact that they tell you that affirmative action is about historical injustices against nonwhites and then also discriminate against Asians proves the whole thing is a hoax.

Chinamen were brought over as disposable labor to build railroads and led lives a whole lot worse than any negro slave in the south.

I’m not saying I care about this, or that it means anything in the current year, I’m just saying that if “historical oppression” was what this was actually about, they wouldn’t be discriminating against Asians.

Also, when considering the underlying claim that “historical oppression” results in modern poverty, we would need to consider the Jews. Until like 1960, everyone in America thought Jews were evil trash and treated them as such, yet here we are in current year and they are above and beyond the single richest and most powerful group in America.

So apparently, there’s something different going on here, no?

The Hill:

The Supreme Court has turned away a plea from parents to block a new admissions policy at a prestigious high school in northern Virginia that a lower court has found discriminates against Asian American students.

The high court did not explain its order Monday allowing the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology to continue using its admissions policy while the Fairfax County School Board appeals the lower court ruling.

Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas said they would have granted the request from the parents’ group, Coalition for TJ, to suspend the admissions policy.

In February, the group persuaded U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton that a new policy that has boosted Black and Hispanic representation amounted to impermissible “racial balancing” at the selective school near the nation’s capital. It is often ranked as one of the best public high schools in the country.

Asian American students constituted more than 70% of the student body. Under the new policy, used to admit the school’s current freshman class, Asian American representation decreased to 54%. Black students increased from 1% to 7% and Hispanic representation increased from 3% to 11%.

Northern Virginia is majority white, while Asians are less than 20% of the total population.

The only reason that Asians are the focus of this issue is that it is accepted by everyone that it is okay to discriminate against whites. In theory, if you use Asians as the weapon, you can undermine all affirmative action. But no, that actually doesn’t work either, and the government just laughs.