Surprise Sex: The Congo’s Cheap Weapon of Mass Destruction

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 1, 2015

Dr Denis Mukwege receives his award for repairing the physical damage in Negro females caused by Negro mating habits.

The European Parliament’s highest human-rights honor has just been awarded to a Congolese surgeon who specializes in repairing female internal damage caused by the barbaric rape-addicted apes that are native to Africa.

The Independent has a report on this, even going so far as to call the rape-apes ‘as deadly a threat as the world has faced’ and ‘Congo’s cheap weapon of mass destruction,’ yet it fails entirely to point out that this deadly threat is now being imported into Britain.

The article goes into all the gruesome details of the cultural enrichment our women and children can expect from them, if something is not done soon to rid our nations of their pestilent presence.

Billboards like this will have no effect, because the behavior is not learned, it is genetic.


Some of the women arrive naked. Some are only just alive, with knife or gunshot wounds to the thighs, genitals or pelvis. Many have been raped repeatedly by multiple attackers, tied up and brutalised in front of their husbands, parents and children. Sticks are used on some. Chemicals on others, doused after the rape to burn and scar, to ensure ruination. It works. Internal injuries can be so extensive as to defy medical solution.

Mukwege, 59, treats 10 women a day in theatre. He has, in total, tended to more than 30,000 survivors. In what psychological state are patients when they arrive?

“They are dehumanised,” he says. “Most are shamed by what happened to them. Most are excluded from their own community. They feel life has no sense.” He cites the plentiful research into the psychological trauma that survivors carry, often forever.

Dr Mukwege and his team do what they can. Soon after treating his first few patients in 1999, the doctor, whose father was a pastor, realised that medicine alone was insufficient. He describes the “four pillars” of his approach.

“We treat them medically – surgically; psychologically – the trauma; legally – to teach them their rights and help them go to court, if they want to,” he says. “The fourth way is to support them economically so they can be strong and fight for their own rights.”

Some, however, are too damaged for treatment. Dr Mukwege specialises in repairing vaginal fistulas – holes created either between the vagina and rectum, or vagina and bladder – a common occurrence after violent rape. “Women who have been severely violated are completely destroyed – some we simply cannot cure,” he says. “And unfortunately, these are often young girls aged 14, 15, 16, 17. They have to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of their lives.”

Without medical intervention, urine, blood and faeces trickle down, causing burns, infections, ulcerations, abscesses and dehydration. The smell from infections ensures everyone in the village knows what has happened. Many are shunned. Isolation engulfs. Fistulas can also lead to nerve damage called “foot drop” in which the lower limbs become paralysed. Women are left unable to walk.

Had enough of diversity yet, White man?

Immigration of Blacks into White countries will cause White women to be 58 times more likely to be raped.