Target Collapsing Under the Weight of Tranny Boycott

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 16, 2016


The anti-tranny boycott of Target may well go down as one of the most successful boycotts in history. This is true people-power in action.

Business Insider:

Target is facing a nationwide backlash for its support of transgender rights.

More than 1.2 million people have signed a pledge to boycott the retailer after it announced last month that it would welcome transgender customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity.

Critics have been holding protests and demonstrations at stores across the country, and they are showing no signs of dying down.

Many are demanding access to bathrooms of the opposite sex to support claims that “perverts” can now prey on children and women as a result of the policy.

The boycotters’ goal is to force Target to reverse its policy, or at least make the retailer suffer for it by spending their money elsewhere.

But Target CEO Brian Cornell dug in his heels on the issue this week, saying Target won’t reverse its stance.

“We took a stance and we are going to continue to embrace our belief of diversity and inclusion,” Cornell said on CNBC.

Probably, he’s going to be forced to resign.

Investors don’t care about a company’s stance on tranny rights.

So what does that mean for Target’s business?

Sales may drop for at least short period, according to YouGov BrandIndex, a firm that measures consumer perceptions of major brands on a daily basis.

Before the boycott, 42% of consumers considered buying from Target the next time they shop at a department store. In the last couple weeks, that share has fallen to 36%, according to YouGov data provided to Business Insider.

Consumer perception of the brand has also dropped sharply. It’s at its lowest point in two years.

They’re going to have to do something.

This is a YUGE win.