It doesn’t look as though the government of Thailand is putting up a real fight. It looks like they’ve been bought off, paid to take a dive.
This appears to be a surrender.
Thailand’s government on Thursday canceled a state of emergency it had declared last week for Bangkok in a gesture offered by the embattled prime minister to cool massive student-led protests seeking democracy reforms.
The decree had banned public gatherings of more than four people and allowed censorship of the media, among other provisions. It was challenged in court by an opposition party and a group of university students.
The revocation of the emergency decree, effective at noon Thursday, declared that the situation had been mitigated and could now be dealt with by existing laws.
Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha went on national television on Wednesday night to appeal to pro-democracy protesters to reduce political tensions and promised to lift the emergency measure.
“I will make the first move to deescalate this situation,” he said. “I am currently preparing to lift the state of severe emergency in Bangkok and will do so promptly if there are no violent incidents.”
As he was speaking, protesters marched near Government House, his office, to demand he step down. They also asked for the release of their colleagues who were arrested in connection with earlier protests.
They said that if their demands were not met, they would return in three days. Although the protesters pushed their way through police lines, neither side resorted to violence.
The protesters are pressing for a more democratic constitution and reforms to the monarchy. The implicit criticism of the royal institution has stirred controversy because it traditionally has been treated as sacrosanct and a pillar of national identity.
On Wednesday, royalists held rallies in several cities, in many cases led by local civil servants, in what they said was defense of the monarchy. At a small rally in Bangkok, there were fights between anti-government protesters and palace supporters.
Wednesday also marked the eighth straight day of demonstrations by the pro-democracy movement that was launched in March, even though many top protest leaders have been detained.
Prayuth, in the taped speech, pleaded with his countrymen to resolve their political differences through Parliament.
“The only way to a lasting solution for all sides that is fair for those on the streets as well as for the many millions who choose not to go on the streets is to discuss and resolve these differences through the parliamentary process,” he said.
That’s the thing, of course: there already is “democracy” in Thailand. But it isn’t achieving the objectives that the CIA wants in the country, which is an overthrow of the traditional culture and social order. It isn’t achieving that goal because the majority of Thais are not interested in overthrowing their own society.
Thus, violent revolution.
It’s very sad to see that no one will defend the people from this evil Western-backed terrorist mob.

Again: this may not seem like something that matters. As an isolated event, it wouldn’t matter. But what you are witnessing right now, all around the world, is a mega-push by the Western intelligence agencies to get every country on-board with a New World Order Globalist agenda. There is no place for old-fashioned kingdoms in this new order.
What is happening in Thailand is a symbol of what is happening across the world. They are overthrowing this government for the same reason they are overthrowing the government of Belarus, for the same reason that they are forcing Africans to have anal sex with men.
The first world already destroyed its own culture. Now, the globalists are playing clean-up, going through and getting the last holdouts on-board with the agenda. It appears that this is frighteningly easy, everywhere other than China.