“That Nigga be Crazy, Dawg” Public Shocked After Leo Fong Vows to Return to Cyberpunk – SATURDAY AT 12 NOON

This image not only sums up Cyberpunk 2077 in its entirety, but it also sums up the entirety of the year 2020.

Shockingly, the big boss of the Manitoba real estate scene has vowed to return to the world of Cyberpunk 2077 this Saturday at 12 noon, Eastern Standard Time.

We’ve just gotten word of this information from Fong’s secretary. Fong is currently busy with a big time commercial real estate deal. I tried to call him, and he answered with “sonny, you say me what?” (I believe this is a Chinese version of “talk to me, baby”). When he heard my voice, he hung up the phone.

So I don’t have any details. The way I understood it, Fong had sworn off the game, and had permanently denounced his chat for allegedly falsely accusing him of being bad at video games, when actually the game was itself broken.

But now I hear he’s stepping back into the cyber ring for another round?

Is it because it is “fun for all the wrong reasons”?

Or is Fong just exploiting the hype to promote his new property management consultancy group?

Your guess about this is as good as mine, folks.

The only thing I have is this promotional artwork:

What’s his end game?

I guess we’ll all just have to tune in at 12 noon EST on Saturday and find out for ourselves!