The Absolute State of the US Military

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
April 4, 2018

Let’s take a look at the state of the American army.


A U.S. Marine Corps helicopter has crashed near El Centro, California, Tuesday afternoon during a routine training mission and the military says all four aboard are presumed dead.

“Four crew members were aboard” the CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter, the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing said in a statement. “The status of all four is presumed dead pending positive identification.”

The helicopter went down at about 2:35 p.m. local time, the statement said. El Centro is about 100 miles east of San Diego.

The cause of the crash is being investigated, the statement said.

Earlier, Reach Air Medical quickly dispatched two helicopters to the crash site, a spokesperson, Donnie Wharton, told The Desert Review.

The newspaper describes the Super Stallion as “a heavy lift operator with three engines, seven blades [that] can carry up to 50 combat-ready [Marines] or 30,000 pounds of cargo.”

There has been a spate of accidents in the military. Boats have been crashing. Jets have been crashing. And now helicopters are falling out of the sky.

I suspect that this has something to do with the increased diversity in the US army.

Operating high-tech machinery isn’t really a forte of non-Whites…

But perhaps there is more to the problem. Perhaps the US military just isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.

Consider: the US military doesn’t really have a great track record of success. Throughout modern history, the American army has lost pretty much every single war that it has participated in.

Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq – the list goes on and on.

But ok, ok. Those were guerrilla wars. The US is still technologically superior to all of its rivals, right? Shock and Awe. Santa Claus-style smart bombs falling into chimneys to kill terrorist leaders. Be afraid, be very afraid. 

No resistance is possible against the technological might of ZOG, right?


You should sub this channel if you’re into seeing Russki military hardware

Russia quietly and without much fanfare has developed a whole new generation of missiles. We’re talking nuclear-powered missiles, micro-missiles and even motherfuckin’ lasers that shoot missiles out of the sky. 

Also, they’ve finally got a new 5th gen fighter jet up and running and it looks bretty gud.

They did all this in record time and spending a fraction of what the US did.

And I don’t want to turn this into a “who would win” debate about Russia v USA. 

I’m just pointing out that perhaps something fishy is going on within the US military.

How come so much money is spent and then a nation with an economy a fraction the size of the US’s, whose best scientists emigrated decades ago, and whose entire country was in a state of freefall only twenty years ago suddenly manages to close the technological gap?

Is that not suspicious?

Clearly, the crazy sums of money spent on the military aren’t being used properly. I mean, how else do you explain these developments?

As a result, I am now starting to believe that the whole mythos surrounding America’s “indestructible army” is a fairy tale. Something that the Deep State tells us to make us feel powerless and think that resistance is futile. 

I’m starting to think that the complete opposite is true. I’m starting to think that the army is rotten at the core.

I’m starting to think that it is staffed with generals chosen for their PC credentials, not their military acumen. And I’m starting to think that unqualified Diversity hires are gumming up the machinery so much that major accidents happen every single month now.

And most importantly, I’m starting to think that the US military is the greatest glass cannon that the world has ever seen. Unable to handle even 5 k casualties over a period of ten years. I mean, that is really peanuts. Like, respect to the soldiers and all that, but from a purely stats point of view, it is absolutely nothing in military terms.

But it is still too much, apparently.

So, I’m looking around at the failures in Iraq and Afghanistan and I’m starting to think that one more failed overseas venture will break the US military. I think that any war that does not result in overwhelming US victory within the first two weeks and that has casualties that tick up higher than a couple of thousand would simply lead to the US giving up.

Meanwhile, I could see a country like Russia tolerating a couple million dead, and China tolerating tens of millions dead.

And that makes all the difference. The will to fight is gone in most NATO countries. And as a result, I think the balance of power has subtly and quietly shifted in less than a decade.

We should pick up on these changes and not work ourselves into a lather of fear about how outgunned and outmatched we are by the US military.

Another decade of army diversity mandates, embezzlement, failed overseas wars and it’ll get to the point where some kids armed with nothing but airsoft rifles and signed copies of Siege will be able to defeat the US army in sustained head to head combat.

So chill out, just sit back and watch our enemies collapse, fam.

Don’t let the “invincibility” propaganda get to you. Our enemies strength is built on a foundation of sand. Every single day we get stronger, and they get weaker.

Hell, I think that when the time comes, we can win this thing without firing a single shot.