Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 6, 2015

Alan “The Dersh” Dershowitz is kicking it up a notch. In response to the allegations that he did the nasty with an underage sex slave trafficked by the convicted perv Jeffrey Epstein, the criminal Jew lawyer has filed charges in a Florida court against the plaintiff.
The Dersh calls the claims “outrageous,” and many have noted that he wouldn’t be lying about this since he is one of God’s chosen people.
The former Harvard law professor has asked for his name to be removed from documents which accuse him and Prince Andrew of having sexual relations with an underage woman, known legally as Jane Doe #3.
The woman has been named by some newspapers, and Buckingham Palace, as Virginia Roberts. The BBC has not been able to verify her identity.
In his submission to the court, Mr Dershowitz said he had been a victim of salacious allegations and wanted to take action to protect his reputation.
Before his papers were filed, lawyers for the woman said they stood by their story and challenged Mr Dershowitz to provide any evidence that he believed would refute their allegations.
Mr Dershowitz has previously told the BBC: “My goal is to bring charges against the client and require her to speak in court. If she believes she has been hurt by me and Prince Andrew, she should be suing us for damages.
“I welcome that lawsuit. I welcome any opportunity that would put her under oath and require her to state under oath these false allegations.”
In my opinion, the most likely thing is that the Dersh did the deed but he’s going to get off because saying someone had sex with you years ago is not a charge which can seriously be proved. What we can only hope is that other women come forward with relation to this case and blame the Dersh for Jewing them over.
Flood Their Channels
All articles about this case with open comments section must be flooded with Jew-hatred. The Jew media is defending the Dersh, even while other protected minorities (Bill Cosby) are subject to the feminist whims of “guilty until proven innocent” policy on allegations of a sexual nature.
Everyone can see this because it is painfully obvious. It is very easy to then point out “hey, why is this Jew getting a free pass??? Is it because the author of this article is a Jew????”