The Donald Tells Jeb Cuck He Wouldn’t Have Allowed 911 to Happen

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 18, 2015

If this is Jeb Bush's idea of 'keeping people safe,' then I'd hate to see what he thinks danger looks like
If this is Jeb Bush’s idea of ‘keeping people safe,’ then I’d hate to see what he thinks danger looks like

George W. Bush is one of the worst examples of personal human failure in the recorded history of Earth. Unless of course his purpose was to drive America into the ground, then he was an extremely successful individual.

Either way, people hate him. And Jeb Bush associating with him, and claiming that massive towers exploding and killing thousands is “safe” is not at all good for his campaign.

America had been going downhill for a long time, but George W. Bush was responsible for making it internationally hated and mocked by all.
America had been going downhill for a long time, but George W. Bush was responsible for making it internationally hated and mocked by all.

Most people reading this here presumably view 911 as a Jewish attack on America. Either because they organized it themselves, or fed intelligence and resources to existing jihadis and ensured the operation went through. Regardless of how you view the event, however, it happened on George Bush’s watch. That is not controversial. George Bush was definitely President when these towers came down.

What’s more, it is a matter of record that Bush and his administration were repeatedly warned of an impending terrorist attack on America, often given the exact date of 9/11 by intelligence sources. The people who committed the attack were known to the NSA, FBI and CIA.

"September 11 intelligence before the attacks" even has it's own Wikipedia page.
“September 11 intelligence before the attacks” even has it’s own Wikipedia page.

So by pressing this issue, it appears as though Jeb Cuck is trying to fail on purpose.

Washington Post:

If he had been president, Donald Trump said Sunday, his immigration policies would have prevented the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. He also said fellow GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush should stop defending his brother over the Sept. 11 attacks, as the two rivals took their feud to the airwaves on Sunday.

“I am extremely, extremely tough on illegal immigration. I’m extremely tough on people coming into this country. I believe that if I were running things, I doubt those people would have been in the country,” Trump said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“With that being said, I’m not blaming George Bush. But I don’t want Jeb Bush saying, ‘My brother kept us safe,’ because Sept. 11 was one of the worst days in the history of this country.”

Bush fired back, saying the real estate mogul’s comments about the Sept. 11 attacks show that he is not serious about being commander in chief — the central theme of his new Web ad attacking Trump.

Here is the ad.

The clip starts out with a warning that Trump will control the nuclear weapons.


All that really does is make you picture Jeb in charge of national defense, which makes you dizzy.

You also realize that nuclear weapons are black, so Jeb may wish to watch his wife have sex with them once he controls them.
You also realize that nuclear weapons are black, so Jeb may wish to watch his wife have sex with them once he controls them.

The ad actually ends with “Trump Stumped.”

Jeb. This is a game you cannot win.

Jeb Bush is now trying to reverse meme The Donald.

It is a game he cannot win.

Give up now, Jeb.

Go to Mexico with your wife and criminal Mexican children and leave America alone.

We’ve been Bushed around enough.