The Entire Narrative is Shifting on a Bunch of Issues (Atlantic City Banning Homelessness)

See, this is the direction I thought things were going in.

Maybe it’s just only for the lead-up to the election, but I thought the government was at least trying to say, like, “hey, okay, let’s just try and clean this shit up a little bit, alright?”

New York Post:

Atlantic City has launched a large campaign to tackle its homeless issue once and for all, which includes writing up a law to ban people from sleeping in public spaces, officials said.

After the Supreme Court ruled that municipalities can ban homeless encampments, Mayor Marty Small said he would present legislation in the coming weeks to do just that as part of a sweeping effort to clean up the famous Atlantic City Boardwalk.

At the start of July, the city rolled out its plans established by the Boardwalk Improvement Group (BIG) to send out employees to help the hundreds of street dwellers living across Atlantic City, often connecting them with shelters and advocacy groups.

Despite the work being rolled out under the BIG plan, Jarrod Barnes, Atlantic City’s director of health and human services, said many of those living in encampments refuse their help.

That’s why Barnes believes a law to ban the camps is necessary, as it would finally put pressure residents to accept the assistance they need.

I would have thought sleeping in the street was already illegal.

I guess they legalized it because of George Floyd or Harvey Weinstein or whatever?

Anyway, it feels in general like America is way beyond saving, and I think it’s not just Daily Stormer people who feel that way. They can’t get either party really excited about the election. MAGA people were excited after Trump got his ear scratched, but that seems to have already worn off. I think JD Vance kind of killed that energy, maybe.

I read an article about how Trump shouldn’t be saying that Kamala transformed from an Indian into a negro, and I thought that was stupid, that Trump actually should be saying stuff like that, because people like that, and this is all boring.

It’s going to be boring for me either way, because I’ve concluded totally that it doesn’t matter who gets the most votes, the government just selects the candidate.

Further, it doesn’t really matter to me which candidate wins, because like, come on – who cares at this point? What difference does it even make?

So it seems like in the next months, you’re going to see less about pregnant men and child trannies and other things that basically everyone hates, and more about cleaning up the junkies off the streets.

Kamala’s official campaign platform is “yasss queen, u go gurl.” Her rallies are just women twerking.

You see that and it’s like “who doesn’t support this?

If we’re all just going to get crunked, and that is the official policy, why would everyone not be on board with that?

Anyway, yeah – in order for people to even believe in the political system at all, the Democrats needed a new candidate, not just because Joe Biden is old, but because everyone hates everything that’s happening. People hate the homeless, they hate this endless tranny stuff, they hate the open border, they hate legalized crime, they hate the endless wars. The average person is now just like “oh come on, seriously?”

So Kamala is probably going to split from all of that stuff, and just have no policies beyond twerking and abortion. Trump is going to not really have any policies beyond jokes and the economy. Neither of them benefit from talking about any other issues. There’s no reason for them to even debate each other about anything.

Trump can say “you’re pro-crime, you’re open borders, you destroyed the economy, you made all the kids trans” and she can just laugh and say “no, uh-uh, hahahahahahaha, I didn’t do any of that, ah-hahahahahaha.”

And she’s right. It was that old guy who is no longer involved who did all of that.

Anyway, they want people back engaged. That’s what’s going on here. They’re trying to get people to care. No one cares about this bullshit and they want people to care so they’re just removing all the issues, because people are so exhausted by the issues.

That’s really why they stopped with the “fascist dictator” stuff and started calling Trump “weird.” It’s not because Trump’s ear was scraped. It’s because people are really exhausted with the hysterical stuff which comes across as aggressively making emotional demands of the viewer.

Someone will “win” and whoever it is, they will be staggeringly pro-Israel.

Trump’s Fake VP

If Trump was actually trying to win the election in a traditional sense of “getting the most votes,” he would have just picked RFK as his running mate.

Instead, he picked a weirdo who is an Israel fanatic.

RFK is also fanatical in his support for Israel, but he’d be much more likely to start going off script in public. He would probably openly disagree with Trump and so on. People would like it, and they would support the idea of the two parties running together, but it would not be best for Israel.

Kamala is going to pick that Jew from the IDF, Josh Shapiro, as her running mate. She also has a Jew husband. She is trying to make like she’s the pro-Palestine candidate, but she’s also just going to avoid talking about it as much as possible.

They’ll ask “what is your position on Israel’s stated plan for war with Iran?” and she’ll just start laughing maniacally and then turn on a disco light and some big booty black bitch will come out and start twerking and then, with an ass gyrating in front of her face, she’s going to say “we’re going to do, what we’re going to do in the future, just like we did in the past, and that time is the present.”