The Fake Synagogue Bomb Threats are Starting Again!

You may remember that I was the main reporter covering the 2017 fake bomb threats to Jewish religious centers. I kept saying it was a false flag, done by Jews. Then Trump investigated it, and said publicly that “it might be the reverse” (i.e., Jews were doing it). The ADL was like “DONALD TRUMP PROMOTES DAILY STORMER NAZI CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!!!!11”

Trump later sent the FBI to arrest an Israeli Jew, who was responsible for the calls, after he accidentally made one without his VPN turned on. They said he was mentally ill and didn’t punish him.

All bomb threats to synagogues are fake and done by the Jews. They also spray-paint weird-looking swastikas on their own buildings and attack their own graveyards. You know the old meme.

Imagine that these conservatives have gone around and talked about “the victim mentality” for years, and now they’re like “oh yeah but Jews really are victims.”

I recently suffered through a Jordan Peterson show defending the Jews, and he kept bringing up “the victim mentality” when talking about Palestinians. It’s like, “nigga….”

The only thing conservatives care about conserving is the Jewish right to kill whoever they want with no consequences. This includes Trump. None of these people have ever done anything for whites, and their claim is that they can’t do anything. They sure as hell can do a lot for the Jews though, huh?

New York Post:

Three Manhattan synagogues received false bomb threats on Saturday, according to police.

The Upper West Side’s Congregation Rodeph Sholom, located at 7 W. 83rd Street near Central Park, was evacuated after police received a report of a bomb threat around 3:15 p.m.

Another threat — which was also determined to be false — prompted an evacuation at the Chabad of Midtown at 509 5th Avenue around 4:30 p.m.

Around the same time, police responded to a bomb threat at the progressive, LGBTQ-friendly Congregation Beit Simchat Torah at 130 W. 30th Street.

Oh yes, the Jews love sucking gay cock.

Conservatives of course won’t talk about the fact that everything they are supposedly against is completely driven by Jews.

Gays, immigration, all of it – it’s all Jews!

It’s unsustainable.

It’s all too stupid and obvious.

No country can continue to exist when it’s foundational values are not only lies, but idiotic lies.