The Ginger Prince Didn’t Kill 25 Talibans – That is Retarded

Prince Harry wasn’t in the Air Force and he wasn’t an elite sniper, so it seems extremely unlikely – and probably impossible – that he killed 25 Talibans. If he’d been in Iraq and claimed 25 Iraqi heads, sure, I could maybe believe that (assuming he was allowed to go into actual combat), but no infantryman killed 25 Talibans.

So, unless he’s talking about slaughtering villagers, this is just a stupid lie. He probably tells it to get his aged baboon wife hot.


In a book full of startling revelations, Prince Harry’s assertion that he killed 25 people in Afghanistan is one of the most striking — and has drawn criticism from both enemies and allies.

In his memoir, “Spare,” Harry says he killed more than two dozen Taliban militants while serving as an Apache helicopter copilot gunner in Afghanistan in 2012-2013. He writes that he feels neither satisfaction nor shame about his actions, and in the heat of battle regarded enemy combatants as pieces being removed from a chessboard, “Baddies eliminated before they could kill Goodies.”

Harry has talked before about his combat experience, saying near the end of his tour in 2013 that “if there’s people trying to do bad stuff to our guys, then we’ll take them out of the game.”

But his decision to put a number on those he killed, and the comparison to chess pieces, drew outrage from the Taliban, and concern from British veterans.

“Mr. Harry! The ones you killed were not chess pieces, they were humans; they had families who were waiting for their return,” prominent Taliban member Anas Haqqani wrote Friday on Twitter.

Dude was getting his hair done every morning for photoshoots.

“Oh Harry, baby, tell me about those Talibans you kilt.”

Not buying it.


What I am buying, however, is Prince Harry’s excellent book.

I ordered ten copies. I’m giving them to all my friends.

This shit is rad.


Aside from the fact this is an obvious lie, I don’t understand how the media is whining about this. They supported the war and in fact were responsible for it.

Soldiers are not responsible for carrying out their orders. It was a war, and his job was to kill people.

It would be really gay to brag about it even if it was true, but saying “he should have went to the war and then refused to kill people” is like, braindead stupid.