The Kike-Triggerer: Ocasio-Cortez Might be /OurLatina/ After All!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 21, 2018

Anyone who says they wouldn’t is a literal homosexual.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is being accused of being based, yet again.

Now, she’s being accused of being one of us – a Russian Bot.


‘Russiagate’ seems to have claimed another victim. Comedian Jen Kirkman went into a full meltdown, starting by branding Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a Russian tool and ending with blaming Putin for messing up her life.

I have no idea who this “comedian” is and why her opinion matters. What pricks my ears is that last name though… Cortez seems to be really getting the right people riled up, that’s all I can say.

The entire thread is Jen freaking out about the Russian Bot/Cortez connection.

It’s very hard to follow her chain of logic.

But then, it might very well be her first time trying to use logic, so we should be understanding.

Here’s the main thrust of the Kirkman Konspiracy theory:

Representative-elect Ocasio-Cortez is a rising star of progressive politics, whose way to national prominence began after she defeated veteran congressman Joe Crowley in a Democratic primary. She runs on a progressive platform and wants similarly-minded people to get elected the same way she did – by challenging centrist Democrats and thus shifting the entire party to the left.

According to Kirkman, this is all a secret ploy of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who wants to divide the Democratic Party and “take over America.”

Which means Putin defends Ocasio-Cortez and she and her supporters are just gullible tools of the ‘Russian Active Measures’ (yes, they have to be capitalized, because apparently lowercased active measures are not scary enough, for Kirkman). She knows all about active measures. She once was a “radicalized” fan of Bernie Sanders, thought Green Party’s Jill Stein “was legit” and believed NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to be a hero. Apparently they all turned out to be Putin’s tools, because now she knows better.

Yeah, okay, we get the point. This chick is as retarded AF and should stick to doing cringe-comedy and stay away from cringe-political commentary.

You just know that this is one funny chick! 

That being said…

You doubted her, didn’t you, lads?

But you have to admit at this point that something about her triggers the kikes.

They lash out irrationally at her. 

Is it because she looks a bit like a Palestinian?


You’ll notice that the kikes often get irrationally angry and can’t always control their naked bloodlust.

You see it come out especially over the Russia issue. Every Jew keenly feels the whip of the Cossack on a pogrom rampage through their unique “inherited suffering” gene to this day.

Ocasio clearly feels a spiritual kind of kinship with the Cossacks of old Russia and that’s why she wants to drop the Russiagate nonsense and focus on the main platforms of her political agenda: better wages, better benefits, and triggering kikes.

She may not be there just yet, but she’s working her way up to an official Stormer endorsement in the coming weeks. 

Editor's Note: I already officially endorsed her for Speaker of the House AND Ambassador to Israel. -AA

If Trump refuses to fire Rod Rosenstein, we may need to get the pogrom started by going through the Democratic Party instead. Ocasio and her Brown Communist Faction will have no trouble throwing the kikes out of power because they do not care about the Holocaust and think Jews are just especially whiny and physically weak White people.

And they’re a coming for ’em.

The Golem Jews themselves created is starting to disobey its master.

Jews everywhere are quivering in fear at the possibility of people who don’t give a shit about the Holocaust and Jewish suffering coming to power.

Comrade Cortez does not have any time or sympathy for these kikes.

I say we lend her our support and then unleash her on them.