Daily Stormer
February 13, 2014
Well, just when you thought the Jews main focus for the next big “liberation” was the normalization of pedophilia, a second, weirder (or… as weird? I don’t know) sexual perversion has popped up in need of quick acceptance by the public, in order that we may become more enlightened and free and democratic: incest.
The aging “supermodel” Stephanie Seymour has released a sick and weird photo-shoot of herself involved in sexual poses with her own children.

This comes after Seymour has been repeatedly photographed publicly in sexual pictures with her sons.
Like this one from 2010 when they were caught making out on a beach while the boy grabbed her breasts:

The boy, Peter, responded to the allegations of incest by saying it is impossible because he is a homosexual.
Well, if that be a fact, than why does he have an erection in this picture?

And what is going on here?

The sick beach scenes took place in full view of paparazzi. So these people knew they were being photographed, and chose to show their incestuous lifestyle to the public, on purpose. The recent photo-shoot is clearly just an attempt to escalate the public knowledge of their mental disorders. Sexual perverts generally tend to be voyeurs as well, with a desire to have their perversions known to everyone (this is why we have a homosexual movement).
Sick and weird people such as these have always existed. Homosexuals have always existed. But what the Jews do is find these sickos, and then assist them in their public pressing of the issue, celebrating it, as a means to bring down the larger whole of society to this level of degeneracy. Thus, you have Huffington Post commenting on the incest glamor shots, first saying it’s weird, then saying “aw well, it’s actually pretty cool”:
Although the Harper’s Bazaar photos caught some off guard, the three of them cranked out some fantastic poses and, let’s be real, they all have that supermodel gene going on.
…rather than calling for them to be interned in a mental asylum.
In 2010, the same year Seymour was first caught making out with her son on the beach while he grabbed her breasts, a Jewish Columbia political science professor, David Epstein – who, coincidentally, happened to also blog for the Huffington Post – was caught having sex with his daughter. Several Jews, including those at Slate, circled the wagons and said Epstein shouldn’t be prosecuted.
In 2009, Mackenzie Phillips came out and said she had a consensual sexual relationship with her father, John Phillips, of the Mamas and the Papas. Though at that point people still appeared shocked by the idea, it appears to have been when the conversation was opened up. After all, how could the behavior of celebrities be something we wouldn’t want to emulate?
Things have gotten weird. And they are going to get weirder. It appears that the triad of remaining sexual taboos – pedophilia, incest and bestiality – are all going to get pushed at the same time. Though it appears that pedophilia was the first on that list, the slight backlash against it could possibly lead the Jews, over the next year or so, to begin putting more energy into the incest front. This Seymour situation appears to be a foreshadowing of that. This family may in fact “come out” in the near future, and appear on talk shows talking about how they have sex with each other, and believe that is their human right.