Spain: Pedophilia Being Promoted as a Form of “Freedom of Expression”

Daily Stormer
February 13, 2014

Barcelona.  The url given here appears to redirect to a chan site now.
Barcelona. The url given here appears to redirect to a chan site now. That probably means it was hacked. Or it means that this whole thing was staged for some other purpose.
Every Christian could have told you, back in the 1990s when homosexuals were gaining their “liberation,” that the next step would be to normalize all other forms of sexual deviance, including pedophilia. The homosexuals and their Jew promoters told us not to worry, that no such thing would happen.

Well, it’s happening.

After an Italian court ruled that a 60-year-old man found in bed with an 11-year-old girl was not guilty because the girl said she loved him late last year, social justice warriors are now demanding pedophile rights in Spain.

Translated from intereconomia:

A poster in Barcelona is asking people to support the position and practice of pedophilia as a right of freedom of expression.

This is the result of liberalism.

First, the freedom of sex outside of marriage and pornography were celebrated. These are now taken to be “normal” by the people.

They then claimed that the sacrament of marriage between a man and a woman was archaic. Today, we now tolerate as normal gay couples with adopted children (they have to adopt, because they can’t produce them themselves) and single parent “families” which have resulted form the normalization of divorce.

We later accepted, with open arms, abortion rights under the premise of private ownership of one’s body. Today this is also “normal” to the people.

Now, as a natural next step in the process of exalting the “freedom and tolerance” and moral relativism of the reigning liberal doctrine, we are beginning, albeit without legal protection just yet, to indoctrinate the people to accept pedophilia. As time goes on, the moral conscience of the people will continue to blur, and this evil too will be accepted as normal.

Also in 2013, the allegedly scientific mental health manual, the DSM-V, declared briefly that pedophilia was a “sexual orientation,” rather than a mental illness, before retracting the claim in response to public outrage.