The Race Flippening: Mohammed the Most Popular Newborn Name in Berlin

Remember when all those shills were saying there was going to be a “flippening” that would make Ethereum the number one crypto and Bitcoin number two? But it was really just a scam to pump and dump Ethereum?

Well, that is happening in Germany, except it’s not cryptocurrency, it’s whites and Moslems, and it’s not a pump and dump scam. The Moslems might pump and dump your daughter, however.

The size of the “immigrant” population is really irrelevant on a long enough timeline, because they breed more.

That’s kind of the issue with immigration at this point: it’s either going to be solved or not, and there’s no longer any point in talking about the numbers. These people either have to go back, or Europeans will not exist anymore, other than as small minority populations in their former homelands (and probably in various other places, like Costa Rica and Thailand, where white expats have already become a key factor in the economy).

So, you are either going to have the political will to send these people back or not, and it really doesn’t matter if you’re talking about millions or tens of millions if the political will exists.

This is all largely based on whether or not the West or East wins the current conflict. In a world dominated by China instead of the Jews, there will be deals to be made to ensure peace. China has good relations with most (or maybe all) of the countries these people have come from, so they can help negotiate the return process.

Just imagine that after the Syrian “civil war” (it was not actually a civil war) ended, Assad said he wanted all the people who fled to Europe to be returned to his country and Europe just didn’t even respond. This guy feels like his population was stolen from him. The Taliban is reasonable too, as are most African leaders. We’re going to have to pay some of them to take these people, but there are deals to be made.

But like everything else, it hinges on whether or not China or ZOG wins the battle for dominant world power.

To be clear, the reason China would support Europe in helping to return these populations is that they want peace because peace is good for their business model, and there isn’t a peaceful outcome if the Moslems are not removed from Europe. Moreover, a lot of these people who have been brought in are terroristic, and there is no reason China would want them controlling Europe’s nuclear weapons.


As seen in many other Western countries, such as France and Britain, the first name Mohammed has continuously gained popularity in Germany, including in the past year.

In cities like Berlin, the name Muslim name was the most popular name for boys in 2022, while in 2021, it ranked third. Previously, Noah ranked first and Adam second, with Noah now dropping to second place for 2022.

In other cities, like Hesse and Bremen, Mohammed was at the top of the list of most common names for newborns, according to the annual survey from the German Language Society on Monday.

In Bremen, the first name Mohammed, which is the name of Islam’s most holy prophet, is no longer far behind from the top spot, moving from third to second place. In first place, there is Matheo and in third is Finn. Last year, the ranking was Finn, Noah, Mohammed.

In Hesse, Mohammed has also exploded in popularity, rising from eighth place to third. Noah is at the top while Matheo has dropped to second.

Among girls, names like Ella, Emma, Mila, and Sophie are continuing their streak at the top in three German states in 2022.

Data coming out of Germany shows the country is facing rapid demographic transformation, with the rise of Islamic names only one factor in the trend. For example, in most major cities, the majority of children have a migration background, including Hamburg. Overall, 38 percent of all children in the German school system have a migrant background, which has overwhelmed schools and led to a noted decline in reading and math results across the board. Increasing diversity within schools is also leading to conflict between students, increased violence, and teachers facing burnout.

Some have been enthusiastic about the growing demographic changes, such as German-Iranian author and commentator Behzad Karim Khan, who said migrants would “inherit” Germany.

It can sometimes feel overwhelming.

But there is hope.

Worst case: we get to eat delicious snacks as our race dies out.