The Roosh V Debacle and the Far Right

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2016

Roosh gave a press conference on Saturday, in the basement of a hotel in DC. This came after the storm of attacks on him by governments and the media when he tried to organize meet-ups.

He had been called a “rape advocate” based on a few words from an article he wrote a year ago. This was brought up simply because he was trying to organize people in real life. The article obviously wasn’t “pro-rape,” they just made that claim for the purposes of an organized witchhunt, knowing that the type of people who get involved in witchhunts aren’t the type of go check the source.

There is certainly something to be learned here. The media lies. Which is something we already knew. But the media lies extra when there is a threat of people connecting in real life.

Roosh and the Right

The big Roosh media spectacle has caused a lot of online right-wing figures to give comment. There has been some conflict over different people’s views on the situation, as well as on Roosh himself.

Firstly, I don’t really think there is much room for disagreement on the situation. This guy tried to organize groups of people who disagree with the government and the media, and a well-oiled shut-down machine was turned on. He was publicly attacked by all media, threatened by governments, doxed and the media stalked his mom’s house. It is madness that a political dissident would be subjected to this type of lynching.

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Regardless of what you think of the man, what happened last week was pretty straight-forward.

That being said, Roosh himself and his agenda are much more controversial.

I have been accused of endorsing Roosh, even though I’ve done no such thing. What I have said is that I like his website, Return of Kings.

Presumably, he’s embraced far-right ideas because it’s hip right now to do so. He obviously isn’t a White nationalist, because he isn’t White. He also promotes weird serial-sex behavior which doesn’t really fit with a traditional society, at all.

Regarding Pick-Up Artistry

For a White person, I would have to believe that serial-sex behaviors, and sitting around thinking about how to have sex with the highest possible number of women, simply for the purpose of having sex with the highest number of women, is pathological. It has no intrinsic value.

Obviously, everyone wants to have sex – this is a basic biological drive. Presumably, most men like the idea of multiple partners – again, that’s biological. However, devoting insane amounts of time to it, talking about it all the time, reading books about it – this becomes a cult. The pick-up artist community is an obvious cult.

That said, a lot of men read this “pick-up” type stuff because they’ve been brainwashed by feminism to be afraid of women and need to get their mind right. What’s more, the “manosphere” is something related to by different from the pick-up artists, and rather good, overall. They put out a lot of good stuff. I don’t think anyone can hate on the manosphere, other than feminists. And people who are confused and think it is the same thing as pick-up artistry.


Regarding all these arguments about “should we support Roosh????”

It’s gay.

Firstly because: who cares? Stop arguing like retards about stuff that doesn’t even matter.

Secondly because: no, you obviously shouldn’t support a Moslem guy who promotes pointless serial-sex (even if he is apparently promoting that less than he used to) and whichever other weirdness. If he’s putting out good material, fine. Just say “some of this material is good, but I don’t support the man overall.”

It is equally obvious, however, that you should take note of this shut-down situation. That is what is to be learned here.

The shut-down machine is switching into high-gear. They are organizing.

We too must organize.