These Bitches Think French Neon-Nazis are Sexy AF!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 6, 2018

Check out how iconic this photo is.

People say that’s its emblematic of the corporate age. Of smartphone addiction.

I say its emblematic of these bitches ‘mirin that neon look.


As “urban warfare” grips the streets of Paris a photograph of a woman in a Burger King, who is incongruously grinning from ear to ear while tear gas swirls outside, is being hailed as the perfect encapsulation of modern times.

The French capital has seen a wave of protests, riots and looting in recent days after Yellow Vest demonstrations against tax hikes turned violent.

While she was taking pics of neon-nazis in the streets, here is what was happening in the same Burger King, right behind her.

Actually, probably not the same Burger King lol. But still.

And let’s be honest here, she probably had no idea what the riots were about. Just amused by the loud bangs and the people running around. She is also clearly irrationally attracted to the neon that the Nazis all around her were sporting. The sex appeal of neon is undeniable at this point.

Now, let’s have a serious talk about these yellow vests.


  • High-visibility, looks good en masse, bitches love the neon
  • Looks official-like and triggers authority-perception centers in normie brains
  • Easy to buy/wear
  • Everyone knows which team you’re on
  • Neon-Nazi is what the kids are into these days


  • Bad for urban warfare/camouflage

More and more, I see protestors dropping the yellow jackets look for the more suave Urban Partisancore/Terrorwave look.

Even the guy in the original pic has swapped out the yellow jacket for something more military-looking.

While he looks more camouflaged, he does so at the price of looking fly.

And everyone knows that bitches are attracted to bright lights and flashy colors – that’s why they’re called “birds.” It doesn’t get brighter than neon. Unsurprisingly, she doesn’t even notice him. 

So overall, I say stick to the neon jackets for now for the sex appeal, but be ready to switch into full Urban Partisan mode, lads.

Sometimes looking fly comes at a cost – especially when snipers come into the picture.

If it comes to that, it’s time to ditch the yellow jackets, focus on revolution, and forget about seducing these worthless THOTs with bright colors.

Just not worth it at that point.

The man in the iconic photo had the right idea, but he was a bit ahead of his time.