Third World Failure: UK Considered as Back-Up for 2016 Olympics as Brazilians Fall Behind Schedule

Daily Stormer
May 10, 2014

Did the Brazilians promise more than they could deliver?
Did the Brazilians promise more than they could deliver?

The 2016 Summer Olympics are to take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At least that is the plan, but now the socialist-run multiracial paradise seems to be having trouble with preparations for the event.

From The Telegraph:

So worried are Olympic organisers by how far behind schedule the 2016 Rio Games has fallen, London has reportedly been asked, in secret, if it could host the event at the last minute.

According to the London Evening Standard, an informal approach has been made by IOC chiefs to ascertain whether London’s 2012 Olympic venues could be brought back into use.

The build-up to the Rio Games has been labelled a shambles, with every venue badly behind schedule, spiralling costs and accusations of negligence.

IOC vice-president John Coates has already called Brazil’s preparations “the worst I’ve experienced”, with just two years to go and a football World Cup to host in between.

An “unprecedented” special task force has been set up to try and speed up preparations but the situation on the ground is said to be “critical”.

It’s not surprising that a third-world country would have trouble getting their act together, but this would still make Brazil look pretty bad. Even South Africa was able to succeed at hosting the World Cup.