Thoughts on Hate: A Message from Nikos Michaloliakos

XA Ameriki
April 26, 2014

Nikos Michaloliakos
Nikos Michaloliakos

“Party of Hate”. That is what Golden Dawn is labeled in accordance with the regime’s channels and tabloids. Rations of “hate” are the food distributions to our poor countrymen, as are those which took place in Athens and Thessaloniki on Thursday.

Events of “hate” even with the voluntary donations of thousands of Golden Dawners. All “hate” when Golden Dawn is involved.

But what we and every sensible person finds in these assertions about Golden Dawn, is the deep roots of a scheme and the channels of corruption, the ABSOLUTE HATRED against the Golden Dawn.
Any reference to our movement, the Popular Nationalist Movement, is full of contempt, disdain, ridicule, falsehoods and a rabid hatred of the Golden Dawn. Those who accuse us as the “party of hate”, are possessed by an unprecedented, fierce and fiery HATE against us.

One reference to the Golden Dawn that is missing from television shows, especially those with political content, is that ALL these shows speak for us without US being present and blame us for anything a mans mind can imagine. The blame us as HATE filled without giving us the ability to refute them.

Any kind of slander against us, they never give us the right to answer. But why all this HATE against us?
For the simple reason that we are the only ones who consistently fight and unfortunately for them with great political success.  What we stand for completely goes against the regime of corruption whose pillars are channels of porn and Turkish sitcoms and on top of that they owe (all of them!), hundreds of millions of euros.

We’re called the “party of hate”, but in fact what is presented as “news” and experienced is the ULTIMATE HATE of the unpatriotic regime against the Nationalist Movement and the people of the Golden Dawn.

Political prisoner
Korydallos Prison
Thursday, April 24th