Three Swedish Refugee Centers Burned in Six Days

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 19, 2015

Did they think the people wouldn’t revolt?

You push people against a wall, their behavior becomes erratic. White people are not natural bitch-burners, but Sweden is taking everything from them, giving it to these hordes.


A string of suspected arson attacks have hit three facilities intended to house asylum seekers in Sweden this week alone. The country is preparing to receive almost double the amount of refugees this year than the previous record, set in 1992.

An old school building in Onsala in the affluent area of Kungsbacka, some 30 km south of Gothenburg, caught fire on Saturday night. Twenty firefighters responded to the emergency call.

“Half the building has been damaged by fire,” said Mikael Lindgren, the lead operator of the emergency services in Greater Gothenburg, as cited by The Local.

The officials did not immediately identify the cause of the fire, saying a technical examination of the site was necessary.

The incident happened just a day after a school in Smaland, which was to be used to accommodate refugees, was destroyed by a fire.

Late on Tuesday, a building in Arlov Skane, where children seeking asylum in Sweden were meant to be hosted, was badly damaged by a blaze. The incident happened a day before its scheduled opening.

There have been 14 suspected arson attacks on refugee centers in Sweden since the start of the year.

It is not surprising the media is downplaying this. Just like they downplayed the German bitch getting stabbed in the neck. They understand that things will reach a point where they are going to have the double crisis of the Moslems and their own populations revolting against them, and want to keep people from getting any ideas.

Disco inferno!
Disco inferno!

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