Daily Stormer
January 16, 2014

The three teenagers who gang-raped and filmed the assault of 15-year-old Audrie Pott and drove her to suicide have received a slap on the wrist.
I don’t know if they were black – they probably were, but they have been allowed to remain anonymous. It is possible that they aren’t. We have a Jewish entertainment industry that celebrates this type of behavior, and our youth is taught to look at it as normal.
In order to stop this level of sick perversion in our society, we are going to have to do more than put people in jail for behaving like degenerates. We are going to have to abolish the system which teaches people that this type of behavior is okay.
From the Daily Mail:
The three teenage boys who authorities say drove 15-year-old Audrie Pott to hang herself in 2012 have admitted to sexually assaulting the girl – and taking photographs of the humiliating ordeal – eight days before she took her own life.
After admitting to the attack – during which the three teens ‘digitally penetrated’ the young girl – the boys each were sentenced to serve 30 to 45 days in a juvenile detention facility.
Because of their ages, the three teens have not been identified.
Pott’s family has declined to comment on the criminal case, but appear to be outraged by the anonymity the boy’s get to enjoy.
‘As much as we strongly disagree with and are actively attempting to change the lenient privacy laws afforded t
o juveniles, even when they commit as here heinous acts on an unconscious minor, we cannot publicly comment on any aspect of any criminal proceedings involving these young men,’ Robert Allard, an attorney for Lawrence and Sheila Pott – Audrie’s parents – said in a statement to SFGate.
Pott, from Saratoga, California, took her life in after sending Facebook messages to the boys who assaulted her at an alcohol-fueled party in September of 2012.
After the party, where Pott drank alcohol-laced Gatorade, the teen woke up without her shorts on and with mocking comments written in marker all over her body.
Over the course of the next week, Audrie learned that cellphone photos had been taken of her during the assault and shared with students at the school she attended with the three attackers.
‘My life is over…I ruined my life and I don’t even remember how,’ Audrie said to a classmate in the days following the incident.
She then pleaded with the boys to delete the photos.
‘I swear to god if u still have those pictures illl killl u [sic],’ she wrote to one of her alleged attackers in the days after the party. ‘It’s gonna get out.’
Another male classmate responded: ‘lol that s*** gets around haha everyone knows mostly everything hahaah.’
Eight days after the attack, on September 12, 2012, Audrie hanged herself in a bathroom at her mother’s house.
In addition to the criminal charges, the Potts have filed a civil lawsuit against the teens they say are responsible for their daughter’s suicide.
Shockingly, one of the boys convicted of assaulting Pott is claiming that the girl’s parents share some of the blame in their daughter’s tragic death.
In court documents filed by attorney Philip Pereira on behalf of one of Pott’s unnamed attackers, the boy claims that Lawrence and Sheila Pott failed to act on the girl’s ‘long-standing and serious emotional problems before her suicide and they should have sought professional help.’
The filing also mentions an ‘altercation’ between Audrie and two of her friends shortly before her death.
Allard, the parents’ attorney, reacted angrily to the assertions.
Rolling Stone published her last text message exchanges, before taking her own life.
AUDRIE: i need to talk to u.
BOY: What
AUDRIE: one word… marker
BOY: What about marker
AUDRIE: u know what im talking about… i dont remeber anything about that… [A friend] had to tell me everything… i swear to god if u still have those pictures illl killl u
BOY: They are deleted and I didn’t take them I promise it wasn’t me… And I’m sorry about the marker
AUDRIE: You have no idea what it’s like to be a girl
An exchange with another classmate:
CLASSMATE: lol that shit gets around haha everyone knows mostly everything hahaah
AUDRIE: oh my god… i f***ing hate people… Do you know how people view me now?… I now have a reputation I can never get rid of.
AUDRIE: My life is over… I ruined my life and I don’t even remember how.