Thursday Meme Surprise: Remember That Dot Name!

So, as you probably know if you’re reading this, is currently down. I don’t know if it is down forever or not.

Luckily, we still had

So, this is where we are, for the time being.

Anyway, we are in possession of this domain, so you can just bookmark it, and if .su comes back, it will just forward like it did before. Ironically, we went to .su because it was theoretically better. I’m still not sure it’s gone. That is the deep mystery I intend to resolve.

Until then – everyone shares these meme posts way more than anything else, so I thought the best way to get the word out would be to post a really, really good meme post, which everyone will share.

Also, for anyone who really cares about following the site – you need to get on the Tor site. That can’t ever go down. It’s at:

You can access that with Brave Browser (on a PC, not on a phone) by doing “file>new window with Tor,” or with Tor Browser. On a phone, I don’t know, there are a bunch of Android apps that work, but with iPhone it’s been more problematic. I’ll do some research into that soon and get a new guide up, because apparently, we are maybe going back to domain problems.

I blame iDubbbz mentioning me.

Could have been something else.

Anyway, here are those denk memes you’ve been warned about.