TIL: John “Boner for the Jews” Boehner has a Jamaican Negro Son-in-Law

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 22, 2015

IRL: Dominic Lakhan is the son-in-law of John Boner for the Jews
IRL: Dominic Lakhan is the son-in-law of John Boner for the Jews

Today I learned that John “Boner for the Jews” Boehner has a Negroid son-in-law from Jamaica.

Dominic Lakhan, a Jamaican-born construction worker from Florida was married to Lindsay Boehner in 2013. John Boner for the Jews attended the wedding and gave his blessing, proudly handing over his daughter to a jungle ape.

Paparatzii rented a helicopter to get pics of the wedding, which appropriately took place among jungle flora.
Paparatzii rented a helicopter to get pics of the 2013 wedding, which appropriately took place among jungle flora.

Another top Jew-loving rat bastard and fake conservative, John McCain, has a son who is married to a Mulattoid female.

A responsible father would have said "be serious son, you can't throw your life away for a weird sex fetish."  Instead, Insane McCain, lover of Jews, told his son to go for it.
A responsible father would have said “be serious son, you can’t throw your life away for a weird sex fetish.” Instead, Insane McCain, lover of Jews, told his son to go for it.

How irresponsible are these people that they cannot control their own children? Or perhaps it is merely that they don’t care – at all – about race, unless it is the supremacy of the Jew race over Whites?

Either way, the family life of these men demonstrates that they are not fit to run a country, let alone send people off to die for the Jews.  They should all be deported to Africa with their Negroid families.