Daily Slave
October 3, 2014

When I say that everything is becoming “racist,” I am not kidding. Old Tom and Jerry cartoons are actually being called “racist” by Amazon.
I’d like to know what is not “racist” at this point in time. All of this politically correct madness promoted by mentally ill Jews has gotten so out of control that it defies comprehension. If Tom and Jerry cartoons are now “racist” than pretty much anything else can also be considered “racist.”
So you know what – yes I’m a “racist” and proud to be a “racist.” I also don’t think much of the Jews either.
Viewers of Tom and Jerry may wince slightly when the unfortunate grey cat’s head is slammed in a window for the umpteenth time. But according to Amazon, the real danger to modern viewers of the classic cartoons lies in their inherent racism.
People hoping to download the 70-year-old cartoons through the company’s video streaming service, previously known as LoveFilm, are confronted with the warning that they contain “some ethnic and racial prejudices that were once commonplace in American society”.
The notice is likely to refer to the portrayal of a black maid known as Mammy Two Shoes in the animated series. A thick-set, middle-aged black woman whose face is only shown once, the character is generally agreed to be a racist stereotype of a white family’s servant. “Such depictions were wrong then and are wrong today,” the Amazon warning adds.
The original series of Tom and Jerry short films was produced by the MGM film studio in 1940, running until 1957. Directors William Hanna and Joseph Barbera made more than 100 of the animations, winning seven academy awards in the process.