Disclaimer: The Daily Stormer and its publisher Andrew Anglin condemn all forms of violence, threatened or real. We have not threatened Luciana Berger, nor have we encouraged anyone else to do so. If Berger is actually receiving death threats, I imagine it is other Jews sending them, or she is sending them to herself. We at the Daily Stormer desire only for Berger to be arrested and deported to the Jewish State of Israel where she belongs in good health. Anyone suggesting or advocating violence on this site is banned permanently.
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 1, 2014

Britain’s number one Jew, Labour Party Leader Ed Miliband (@Ed_Miliband), has responded to the Daily Stormer’s offensive against the filthy Jew bitch Luciana Berger, the Jewish Chronicle and Jewish News report.
The sickening parasite and terrorist Miliband condemned the “abuse” (read: making fun) of the overweight Jewish health official as “appalling,” and repeated everyone else’s call of “Twitter has to do something, or we’ll – we’ll – we’ll condemn them!”
Miliband said:
The antisemitic abuse that Luciana Berger has experienced over recent days is utterly appalling and has absolutely no place in our country. We must have no tolerance for this vile and abusive behaviour wherever we find it.
The last Labour government passed laws to stop incitement to racial hatred – it is right that those laws are enforced to the fullest possible extent by the police and crown prosecution service.
I would also urge social media companies to do more to proactively take down such vile abuse where there is clear evidence of an orchestrated campaign of incitement.
“Our country,” Jew? Britain is the country of the British. Your country is called Israel.

Jews believe they should have complete control over everything in existence, and they are completely freaking out over the fact they are not able to use authoritarian decree to regulate what people say on the internet. And so they are playing right into our hands, creating the spectacle we so desire.
The Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin organized the Twitter campaign against Berger as a method of guerilla resistance after the Jewess had a young man named Garron Helm imprisoned for identifying her as a Jew. His plan was to trick the Jews who control Britain into showing the people their true nature as blood-drinking monsters intent on crushing all resistance to their collective racial agenda.
I can’t say what their next step will be, but the fact that it has gone to this level definitely indicates they will take some sort of a next step. Though they don’t appear to be planning, just doing the exact thing that I knew they would do – throwing a fit.
Whether they attempt more arrests, try and pass laws to force Twitter to block keywords in the UK, block Twitter completely, or just whine louder and louder (the most likely option) about how someone has to do something, we win.

Some people are claiming that we are looking bad by using the foul language and insults, but this is folly. Firstly, we needed to use that to get the attention of the Jews, furthermore, the words we are using are irrelevant – the only thing that matters is the effect, which is all of these Jews coming out and saying that no one in the world has a right to question them ever and if people find a way around laws stopping them from doing so, new laws must be made.
The entire issue of Jewish control is going to be forced into the minds of the masses, and it doesn’t matter how that is done, it simply matters that it is done. People will want to know why it is so many people are constantly attacking the Jews, if they are so innocent and sweet. The Jews literally have no response to this at all, which is why they obsessively silence anyone who dares bring up the issue, and chock it up to some type of weird hatred which exists for no reason.
But when they scream like stuck pigs and take mass political action against such weird hatred which exists for no reason – embodied by name-calling – they lose their cover and expose the entire world to their obsession with silencing all questioning of them. Then the people are interested to find out what exactly is going on.
It’s all part of the plan.
Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin