Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Diversity

Renegade Tribune
August 27, 2013

Well, there are just so many reasons I LOVE die-versity, but I have narrowed it down to my top ten! Okay here we go:

10) Being the only white person at the pool


It’s so fun to stand out from the crowd!

9) Big, beautiful families

I love seeing Mexicans, blacks, and Arabs having many children, getting food stamps and housing assistance, driving BMWs, and having mothers who don’t have to work. I am expected to work after I have a child, because of my “white privilege”. I mean, if I didn’t work, who would pay for all of the “minorities”? Plus, white children are evil demon spawn anyway.


Pure Evil Nazi White Supremacist Germanic Death Cult Blue Eyed Devil Baby!

8) Cultural enrichment at school


It’s great that our children are learning how to bend over for a psychopathic and pedophilic prophet in class! Allahu akbar!! (I love how ethnic that sounds!)

7) Adopting black babies


It makes me happy to find out how cool and trendy it is to adopt a black baby instead of having my own white children. Refer to the previous picture of the demonic white child. I mean compare the two. The black baby is so much cuter, and ethnic looking! People will think I’m so progressive 🙂

6) Constant cat calls

It’s so encouraging being cat called by certain black and hispanic men when walking into a store, or to my car, or in my car… or pretty much anywhere. Being called mami, snowflake, and blancita is fun! Now I know another language!


She’s just pretending to be scared. Don’t let her fool you, she actually really likes not knowing if today is the day she might be raped and killed 🙂

5) Taking care of non-whites

It is rewarding for me to donate my income to ensure (& insure) that all immigrants have access to healthcare, food, and housing.


I’m so lucky my own insurance covered only a few hundred dollars of my $2,000 hospital bill (I was there for ten minutes). Plus, I’ve got my white privilege card, so I don’t need any help! I’m very privileged 🙂

4) Being called a racist for having pride in my race

Now I know that white people can’t have pride because that is racist! Only everyone else except whites can have racial pride. We are totally the oppressors!


3) Race mixing!

What a cool way to ensure your baby will have no identity as well as destroying centuries of genetic purity. Mix it up guys!


White men and black men are equal anyways!

2) Having no more white countries

This is especially exciting in my motherland of Ireland. I mean, it was like so totally boring and had no culture until it was flooded with immigrants. They make the city a brighter place. Plus, whites having their own country is racist!


Progress!! What would Ireland look like without this sassy soul sista? I bet she’s opened her own “soul food” restaurant in downtown Dublin, in the spot where the local public house used to be. So much cooler!

And last but not least:

1) The Genocide of my race

What’s better than getting to personally pay for these people to rape and pillage my people, ensuring the genocide of my race? I’m such a humanitarian!


“Come one come all!” – a direct quote from a self hating white person I know

Destroying the Lies

In all seriousness, white people need to stand up! Enough is enough! This has gone way too far and we have allowed it. Stop permitting yourself to be guilt-tripped and lied to. Have pride in your race. Have pride in the accomplishments and beauty of your people. Get your identity back. You are not the majority, but are in fact the global minority. You have been lied to your whole life and blamed for everything. We need to ensure a future for our white children. Turn off the electric jew (television). Stop buying into their degenerate mind control programs. White women, you have been tricked into thinking that you are a sex object and nothing more. You are made to think that sex is the only way for you to have any sort of power. This is the biggest lie you have ever been told. You are the mothers of our future generations. what kind of example are you setting for your children? You are responsible for birthing a new generation of white children, who have pride in themselves and are strong, knowledgeable, healthy beings. You have also been tricked into thinking that you are somehow liberated by having the “privilege” of joining the work force, or even joining in combat. This is another lie. You have been put here to mother and nurture beautiful children, as well as create and innovate. White men, pick your head up and stop letting these animals convince you that you have been the ultimate oppressor since the beginning of time. You are the protectors, fathers, explorers, innovators and warriors of our beautiful people. Please realize your true power, for it is unstoppable and the powers that be know this. White people, it is time to un-shackle/sheckle ourselves, and reclaim our lands and our futures. I leave you with this video to further illustrate my points: