Tough Guy Terrorist Jew Malcolm Harris Cries Like a Baby at Prospect of Confrontation with Big Bad Nazis

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 10, 2015

Hahahaha.  Don't worry, faggot.  We're not coming to get you.
Hahahaha. Don’t worry, faggot. We’re not coming to get you.

The tough guy and terrorist Malcolm Harris began to shake in his knee-high socks when he found the Daily Stormer’s recent article against him, wherein he was confronted on an Al-Jazeera op-ed wherein he called for gangs of hooded men to attack old men at Stormfront meet-ups with hammers.

On Twitter, he began wildly blocking anyone who tried to communicate with him, while whining about how we were tattling on him to the government.

At one point, one of his Chinese female friends (what sort of a man has female friends, let alone Asian female friends?) told him to “stay safe” against the Big Bad Nazis, to which he responded: “not one of these fuckers will go anywhere near my subway stop, and I don’t travel, so I think I’m good.”

Definitely thinking Malcolm is a Jew.  That nose hooks down nearly to his lip.
Definitely thinking Malcolm is a Jew. That nose hooks down nearly to his upper lip.  NOTE: JEWNESS CONFIRMED, see update below.

Listen, faggot. I’m gonna tell it to you straight, so you can unbunch your panties: I was not threatening you. Unlike you, I don’t make threats on the internet. In fact, I don’t make threats at all. I challenged you to a fight in the poor man’s Octagon: the Wal-Mart parking lot of your choosing.  It was your choice to refuse.  I am not going to come get you. If I ever see you – and if you live in NYC, I probably will, whatever ancient Injun voodoo curse was put on this spot seems to ensure that people who are supposed to run into each other always do – I will not attack you. I will challenge you to back up your violent threats and attack me. I will even let you use a hammer to come at me with. You will refuse, because you are a coward, and you will be humiliated in front of your friends. I will also use my cellular phone to film the incident and I will post it on YouTube.

Unlike faggy commies, my ideology does not require violence to back it up. For proof of this fact, please review the rise of the Third Reich vs. the French or Bolshevik revolutions. Your ideology is one which must necessarily use force to gain power, as it is against the order of nature. That which is aligned with nature is embraced without resistance.

On that “I don’t travel point” though mate, maybe you’d be a bit better off if you did a bit of travelling.  I myself have been to 50 or so countries, about half of them non-White, and I can tell you it gives you quite a bit of perspective that I think your missing in your Jew liberal circles in NYC.

The Company He Keeps

I clicked on the profiles of the people who responded to his two Tweets (here and here) about my article, as I am rather interested in the company a person who advocates violent terrorist raids to shut down the free speech of old guys keeps.  Shockingly – or not – they are people pretty deeply involved in much more mainstream SJW liberalism.

Erin Gloria Ryan
Erin Gloria Ryan

Erin Gloria Ryan is a managing editor at the world’s number one feminist publication, Jezebel, and a former writer for VH1’s Best Week Ever.  She’s also the subject of a Return of Kings article (speaking of RoK, when are you guys going to call me up and ask me to write something for you?  Don’t you realize how edgy that would be?)  I didn’t know that they allowed White non-Jews to work at Jezebel, but this Tweet about her Jew boyfriend implies she doesn’t identify as Jew.  This Jezebel comment confuses that a bit though. (If anyone can confirm her Jewness, please do, as that would mean all but one of these people is Jew.)

Julia Carrie Wong
Julia Carrie Wong

Julia Carrie Wong – the above mentioned Asian female friend, who was concerned about the safety of our young hero – is a freelance journalist who has written for Buzzfeed, The New Yorker, Al-Jazeera, The Guardian, Salon, The Nation and The Observer.  Always about Asian female issues, of course.  Apparently she is trying to become the first uppity Asian feminist.  Man, that must be taxing (her natural state was showing in her “are you sure your okay” Tweets).  It’s just not in their blood.  Like a Black guy trying to become a champion swimmer.  She is, like all Asians who grow up in non-Asian countries, struggling with identity issues, and has fallen into a bad crowd of ratlike terrorists.  I feel bad for her.

Molly Crabapple
Molly Crabapple

Molly Crabapple is a Jew artist with her own Wikipedia entry.  Though to be fair, it’s obvious she wrote it herself.  She is currently a writer for Vice, and has done a bunch of other mainstream stuff, including drawing Marvel comics.  She also had a piece of her work acquired by MoMA, according to the Wikipedia entry she wrote herself.  Warren Ellis wrote a forward for her book.  Her art is quite good.  The Wikipedia entry she wrote for herself cites Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Beardsly and Toulouse-Lautrec as influences, and I can see it. Here’s a video she did about Eric Garner. Quite fantastic. Imagine that quality devoted to a PSA about the 30,000 or so White women who get raped every year by Black men, instead of about the one fat Black guy who had a heart attack in the back of a White cop’s vehicle? But she wouldn’t do that. Because Jews don’t do things like that.

Stanley W. Rogouski
Stanley Rogouski

Stanley Rogouski is a Jew photographer and writer, who has written a book called “Not an American” and did photography for an Occupy Wall Street book by the Jew Noam Chomsky.  He has photographed Antisemites for the Jewish Daily Forward, and written for the Huffington Post and Counterpunch.

Jenna Brager
Jenna Brager, as drawn by A. Wyatt Mann.

Jenna Brager – not particularly culturally relevant – is a Jew student at Rutger’s working on a Ph.D in Women’s Studies.   Her special interests are: the Holocaust.  She writes for our hero’s own New Inquiry site.

So, this is the company that a man openly advocating terrorism for the purpose of silencing people whose beliefs he disagrees with keeps.  Or, more interestingly, the kind of company that keeps him.  And note I only Googled the people who commented on the Tweets about the article – the ones who are unquestionably aware that this guy literally tells people to rush restaurants and attack people with hammers.

How is this possible?  How is an open terrorist, who is directing people to commit acts of gang violence against unarmed people in restaurants on a mainstream Islamic news website, directly connected to the mainstream of the SJW movement?  It boggles the mind.  To be true: my mind is right boggled.

Where I am, most people in the “mainstream” of the White Nationalist movement don’t want anything to do with me because they believe I’m too extreme.  And I would never in my life think of advocating violence, let alone terrorism against unarmed civilians, and if anyone ever sent me an essay outlining a plan to attack people who disagree with my beliefs with hammers, I would report them to the FBI.

And yet: here it is.

Harris is blocking aggressively, but you can go ahead and try your luck Tweeting these folks.  Might also be interesting to Tweet the publications they work for and ask them if they approve of rushing restaurants and beating unarmed old men with hammers because of their beliefs.  And if you haven’t sent a letter in to the FBI, do it (it’s a simple form, takes three minutes and I gave a form letter here).  This fag got convicted on Tweets before, and we have the screenshots of him implying he’s planning to murder state attorneys.

Malcolm, Malcolm.  The Feds take things like this pretty seriously.
Malcolm, Malcolm. The Feds take things like this pretty seriously.  Better stash the bong because you’re probably going to get a knock on the door pretty soon.


Malcolm Harris is a Jew

LOL at this chick thinking he wonders what life would be like with a Swedish name!

Anyway, Malcolm, your life wouldn’t be much different as I’m sure anyone you come across that would care about your kike name recognizes you as a kike as I and all my readers did without being told.  If it was not for the policy we have on this site of not calling people Jews without documented proof (so as to avoid appearing paranoid), I would have simply stated that you were a Jew based on your rat face!  And you’d still be living the same, big guy: screwing over a foreign society with your sick and weird Jew antics.

Looking at the fact that all of your friends are Jew, save one confused Asian chick who doesn’t even understand what reality is due to being raised in a place where all signals run counter to the ones her body was designed to be receiving, it would have been nutty if you were just an ugly ginger Anglo.  But I’m glad we got this confirmation.

Thanks to the commenter who dug it up.

Headline updated.


In something shocking even to myself, the Chinese girl, Wong, is also Jew (Jew mother means Jew).

She wrote in Salon:

Many of us in interracial families deal with that gag reflex in person, in our families, among friends.  With 87 percent of Americans expressing approval of interracial marriage between blacks and whites in a recent Gallup poll, I’m hopeful that fewer mothers of multiracial children will be accosted in grocery stores by hostile white men asking, “Where did you get that child?” as my (white, Jewish) mother was about me, her brown-skinned, half-Chinese daughter.  But the disapprobation of strangers can’t wound us half as deeply as that of our own relatives.

I did not see that one coming.  Talk about bizarre.  Every single one of these people is Jew, and all of this media they are producing is for the goyim.  You are seeing the face of this thing, unmasked.  People have been dealing with this issue for thousands of years.  Is it any wonder they were constantly changing their names, constantly intermarrying to create a genetic disguise?  When you look directly at these people, they are arranging entire networks for the sole purpose of weakening the integrity of the social order of their host societies (while also raking in shekels, of course, but that is truly a secondary objective).

Just go on Twitter and click around through these people’s network.  It is all Jews, tolken whinorities (who may or may not all be half-Jew) and a very, very few of the most gullible possible Whites, who these Jews must be laughing at even harder than they laugh at the goyim who consume their filthy media.

I can’t imagine what newer people to the movement are feeling right now.  I myself am having a Rowdy Roddy moment, and I’m not new.

Full comments on Twitter mentioned above, for posterity.

harris stormer tweet 1 harris stormer tweet 2