Tranny Former First Lady Literally Like, Uhm, Like, Can’t Even Say Nuthin’ Smart

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 13, 2018

It’s almost as if they put a ghetto-ass chimp into a pants-suit and let her live in the White House for 8 years cuuuuz White pypul all funny like dat.


Michelle Obama is kicking off the publicity tour for her new book, “Becoming,” but her first media appearance got off to a rocky start.

Despite being heavily edited so she spoke for little more than 45 seconds, Michelle Obama sounded more like a millennial girl chatting on Snapchat than a former First Lady. Throughout her responses to ABC’s Robin Roberts, she repeatedly said “like,” “you know?” “um,” and even, “dude.”

“Barack Obama has always walked like Barack Obama, like, he has got all the time in the world,” she said of their first meeting. “He had that stride. I was, like, ‘Dude, you’re cute,’ but in my mind, I was, like –“

Overall Obama said “you know” 10 times, “like” 9 times, and “um,” “yeah,” and “what?” another five times.

This sheboon actually went to an Ivy League school. 

Amazing. Absolutely amazing stuff. 

Remember when Liberals used to make fun of Melania’s accent and her English mistakes during the campaign?

Hmm. Funny that.

Michelle Obama spent her entire life in the US and in uptight cracka institutions, but she still couldn’t learn how to talk good. 

The interview seems like she’s struggling to control the torrent of ebonics that she just wants to let loose because anudda sistah in da house and now she can real talk with her, but she barely keeps herself in check because she knows that some white women might be watching at home.


At least Obama could string a phrase together.

This woman was literally put in the White House because guilt-ridden White folks just wanted to put Black people in the White House to prove they weren’t racist.

White ppl outside the polling station, 2008

It was the absolute epitome of cuckery.

I cringe just thinking about it today.

But I am happy about this book tour. Because the more exposure that Americans get to this sheboon (that isn’t heavily edited and improved by the media) the more the realization will dawn on them that they literally shaved a silverback, put it in lipstick and people clothes and sat it in the White House so that everyone could feel good about themselves lmao.

What naive fools we all were in 2008.

But just look how far we’ve come!