Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 22, 2019
The slippery slope never ends, and child trannies are the path to normalizing child sex. A child tranny is a highly sexualized creature, so it’ll soon be announced as a given that they have a right to engage in sex acts with adults.
A “groundbreaking” book billed as an “honest look” at the life and struggles of transgender teens has sparked outrage online over a disturbing description of “sex” with with a six-year-old child.
The book titled ‘Beyond Magenta’ has actually been on the shelves since 2014, but gained widespread attention after some disturbing passages were highlighted by the Binary Australia website, which describes itself as seeking to “challenge the aggressive agenda to de-gender” society.
One young adult interviewed for the book describes performing and “loving” oral sex from the age of six. Alarmingly, there is no immediate clarification for young readers that this is illegal and damaging behavior.
“From six up, I used to kiss other guys in my neighbourhood, make out with them, and perform oral sex on them. I liked it. I used to love oral. And I touched their you-know-whats. We were really young but that’s what we did.”
The book is on offer in about 60 public libraries across Australia, but Twitter users pointed out that it is also available in UK libraries and has been included in online lists of the “best” books for transgender “kids” to be reading.
Yet, ‘Beyond Magenta’ has also found itself on another kind of list. It was number four on the ‘Top Ten Most Challenged Books of 2015’, according to the American Library Association’s ‘State of America’s Libraries’ report. Despite the uproar — or maybe because of it — the book sits at number 22 in Amazon’s ‘Teen & Young Adult Sexuality and Pregnancy’ section.
The fact that our society has already accepted the child tranny phenomenon means that they will have no problems accepting child sex. After all, they are cutting the dicks off of little boys – that is surely worse than fucking them in the ass!
Also, pumping children with hormones is worse than any form of child molestation. There are a lot of people who get over being molested as children and move on with their lives, but no one is ever going to get over having their endocrine system completely destroyed with injections before they hit puberty.
So in the sense of harm to a child, we are already way beyond pedophilia. Actually cutting off dicks is being framed as healthy. So of course the sodomy can be framed as healthy.
And all of society has already been trained to believe that people who protest tranny story hour are pure evil, even though we have pictures of these trannies molesting the children.
Then there is Desmond is Amazing, an autistic child tranny, doing strip shows at gay bars for adult homosexuals who throw dollar bills at him.
There is no way to turn back the clock on this.
We are already in a situation where public homosexual pedophilia is couched in a form of ritual satanism.
It is completely and totally protected by the media, and if you try to protest it in real life, you will be physically attacked by Antifa, who are protected from arrest and prosecution by the cops and the feds.
So what’s next???
Maybe some kind of ritual cannibalism???
Who knows!
One thing is for sure: we have to get to the level of mass public acceptance of human sacrifice before the Jews get their new temple built! That’s an absolute must!
Stay tuned, as we continue to ride the Clowntrain to Infinite Hells!