Tranny Shows Boyfriend Pictures of “Herself” as a Pre-Op Boy Like It’s Normal

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
July 15, 2017

Platforms are important. There are only approximately 1.4 million “transgender” individuals in the United States right now, and in that group a lot of them are just cross-dressing faggots. The Jews invented the concept of “transgenderism,” and are now shining the spotlight on these weirdos in order to increase their numbers via monkey see, monkey do.

The problem for trannies is the vast majority of men find transsexuals creepy and disgusting, even if the HR department at their jobs force them to pretend otherwise (or else).

To cope with this fact, it’s only a matter of time before “post-op” transsexuals start withholding the fact that they are actually men from potential partners. As more and more abusive parents make their children undergo dangerous “gender transition” surgeries, the pre-pubescent trannies will grow up to look more and more convincing.

They will soon have the technology to build the perfect tranny, and you could end up… trapped.

Note that the transsexual and its sex-partner in the video are “conservative.”

When they started treating fecophiles as a serious political community back in the early 2000s, I thought it couldn’t possibly get any crazier. Now queers look like puritans in comparison to the latest social engineering project. Where does this ride end, necro-pedophilia?

Trannies to the padded room, Jews out of our country. Anything less or later and you’ll regret it.