Tranny Teacher Tells Kids Doctors Pick Babies’ Sex by Guessing

This is a woman pretending to be a man

With all the affirmative action universities have been doing in the past years, I wouldn’t be surprised if this were unironically true.


A teacher at a Boston-area charter school revealed to young children she identifies as a male and claimed that when babies are born, doctors can only “guess” if the baby is a boy or a girl, but “sometimes the doctor is wrong.”

Ray Skyler, a first grade teacher at Brooke Roslindale School who told four- and five-year-olds she is transgender, presented her sexual identity to the children on an “Identity Share” Zoom call consisting of kindergartners, first graders, and second graders.

Sarah Hammond, the school’s assistant principal, opened the floor to Skyler for her “I am” statement, telling the children, “Remember: Your job during the Identity Share is to be listening really carefully so that you can learn something new about Mr. Skyer.”

“So something that’s really cool and unique about who I am is that I am transgender,” Skyler, who is a female identifying as a male, said. [Emphasis added] “So when babies are born, the doctor looks at them and they make a guess about whether the baby is a boy or girl based on what they look like. Most of the time that guess is 100% correct; there are no issues whatsoever, but sometimes the doctor is wrong; the doctor makes an incorrect guess.”

“When a doctor makes a correct guess, that’s when a person is called cisgender,” she continued. “When a doctor’s guess is wrong that’s when they are transgender.”

“So I’m a man, but when I was a baby the doctors told my parents I was a girl,” Skyler explained to the young children. “And so my parents gave me a name that girls typically have; they bought me clothes that girls typically wear, and until I was eighteen years old everyone thought I was a girl.”

“And this was super, super uncomfortable for me because I knew that wasn’t right,” she said. “So when I was eighteen I told my family and my friends that I’m really a boy and it was like this huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders and I had the freedom to be who I truly am.”

“And even though this experience is super-challenging sometimes, it made me the person I am and I’m super-proud to be transgender,” Skyler concluded.

It’s happening in every city in America.

This can’t be said enough.

Ever since gay marriage was legalized in 2012, all of the money has gone into this pedophile agenda.