Tranny Terrorism??!!? “Gender Reveal” Party Shot Up, 1 Dead, 8 Injured

Daily Stormer
July 10, 2017

Don’t assume my gender, or I’ll blow your fucking brains out!

Progress doesn’t come cheap; the price must be paid for in blood.

Today, brave individuals are fighting for babies’ right to choose their gender and cut off their penises at their leisure. Yet these people are ridiculed and attacked by society’s overwhelming bigotry.

Is it any surprise then that an institution of cis-oppression like a “gender reveal party” is the target of a terrorist attack?

Hopefully, when enough of the cis-scum get shot up by brave tranny freedom fighters, gender tyranny will finally be abolished.

This abomination can finally come to an end…

…And give way to this instead.


Two men opened fire on a party where a pregnant woman revealed her child’s gender, killing one person and wounding eight, including the expectant mother and three children, authorities said.

Wow, they assumed the gender of the shooters, smdh.

I wouldn’t be surprised if trannies shot up CBS’s office next, because it’s obvious they suffer from rampant transphobia.

You won’t be laughing when gender-bending perverts start shooting up your offices, CBS!

The pregnant woman tells WXIX-TV she lost her baby after being shot in the leg around 11:30 p.m. Saturday in Colerain Township, near Cincinnati. The Cincinnati Enquirer reports the woman told guests before the shooting it was a boy.

Better the baby be dead than being forced to live as the wrong gender by his close-minded cis-parents.

Police are searching for the gunmen, who were dressed in black when they broke into the home while guests were watching a movie.

It is not known if those behind the shooting knew the victims, but police said they fired into the party at random, CBS affiliate WKRC-TV reports.

The children are hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries. The five adults were treated at a Cincinnati hospital, where one is listed in critical condition.

They must have learned an important lesson about tolerance today.

But seriously though.

This could have been just a random, meaningless shooting. The fact that it was targeting a “gender reveal party” could be just a coincidence.

That’s entirely possible.

But until we get evidence otherwise, I’ll just go ahead and assume this was the work of sick tranny perverts in order to further their crusade against sanity and normal people in general.

If CNN can just make stuff up to further their agenda, why can’t we? Well, at least we admit it’s made up, lol.