Tranny Victory: French Rugby Federation Allows Trannies

It’s spreading.

Today’s a great day for trannies everywhere.

Transgender people who changed their civil records and have been on hormone treatment for at least 12 months can now play rugby in France with the endorsement and approval of the French rugby federation.


The French rugby federation is allowing transgender people to take part in all France’s domestic competitions from next season in a move going against recommendations from World Rugby.

The French federation issued a statement saying its executive board unanimously voted in favor of the proposal from its Anti-Discrimination and Equal Treatment Commission.

Rugby is an inclusive, sharing sport, without distinction of sex, gender, origin or religion,” said Serge Simon, the vice-president of the French rugby federation. “It is important to allow all our members to practice their passion while respecting everyone’s rights.”

Under the new recommendations, the French federation said that transgender people “physically reassigned and recognized in their current gender” can play in all its official competitions. Those transitioning to their new sexual identity need to provide proof their civil record has changed.

Transgender people transitioning from male to female should also demonstrate that they have been undergoing hormonal treatment for at least 12 months.

We expect the French rugby federation to eventually relax the requirements to allow transgender people who are not gender-conforming to compete.

Trannies who are not gender-conforming are people who feel they’re a gender different from the one that was assigned to them at birth, but only in their mindspace. They choose to present their physical self in a way that conforms to their birth-assigned gender.

They also have to account for bidirectional trannies, also known as reverse trannies: these are the people who went tranny, and then went tranny again in the opposite direction.

What about transvestites though?

Some people choose to express their true gender only through fashion.

There’s also people whose doctors assigned them male genitalia at birth but only feel like women when they play rugby, and feel and act like men the rest of the time. The French rugby federation must also account for these people, and allow people who everyone would agree look like men, but who feel like women when they step into a game of rugby, to compete against women.

That said, there’s an even bigger victory for trannies to report today.

Alabama has failed to stop brave kids from choosing to go through the medicinal mutilation.


Alabama lawmakers ended their legislative session without a vote on one of the most controversial bills before them: a measure to outlaw gender-affirming medical treatments for transgender minors.

The Senate-passed bill died on the final night of the legislative session after it was placed at the end of a debate agenda that lawmakers did not have time to finish before the session adjourned around midnight on Monday. The demise of the bill was a victory for advocacy groups and transgender youth and their parents, who held rallies outside the Alabama Statehouse to oppose the bill.

This important victory is the result of trans people and their families mobilizing to defend this life-saving medical care in Alabama and around the country,” said Chase Strangio, deputy director for trans justice with the ACLU’s LGBTQ & HIV Project.

The Alabama Senate approved the bill in March, but it did not get a vote in the House. Opponents say such measures interfere with medical decisions and target trans individuals for the sake of politics. Sponsors counter that they are trying to protect children from decisions that should wait until adulthood.

Alabama lawmakers did approve separate legislation banning transgender girls from playing on female sports teams. Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed that bill into law last month.

It’s only a matter of time before trannies are allowed everywhere.