Trump Says WW3 is Coming, Claims “Russia is After All of Ukraine,” Threatens Hamas

Okay, so the speech was on Thursday.

In some sense, it makes sense to trickle out these little bits of it day by day, so people can process just how weird this speech was.

“Putin wants to take all of the Ukraine” was one of the worst lines.

New York Post:

Former President Donald Trump warned that the “planet” is on the brink of “World War III” in his Republican National Convention speech Thursday.

“Then there is an international crisis the likes of which the world has seldom been part of,” the GOP nominee for president said in his remarks at Fiserv Forum.

War is now raging in Europe and the Middle East, a growing specter of conflict hangs over Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines, and all of Asia, and our planet is teetering on the edge of World War III,” he added, “and this will be a war like no other.”

“Under President Bush, Russia invaded Georgia. Under President Obama, Russia took Crimea. Under the current administration, Russia is after all of Ukraine,” Trump said.

“Under President Trump, Russia took nothing,” he added.

The GOP nominee for president argued that the Biden administration’s chaotic 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan animated Russian aggression, emboldened Hamas to attack Israel and has contributed to Chinese saber-rattling.

“Emboldened by that disaster, Russia invaded Ukraine. Israel endured the worst attack in its history. Now China is circling Taiwan, and Russian warships and nuclear submarines are operating 60 miles off our coasts in Cuba,” Trump argued.

Here’s the full RNC speech.

I’m told that Anglin’s single Sunday article will be analyzing the speech and the Republican platform and saying why it is all gay, retarded, and satanic, and the only draw is Trump’s personality.