Trump Vows to Put Elon Musk in Charge of Government Efficiency Commission

Oh, sure. This is great.

Let’s put Elon Musk in charge of more things.

Since he’s so good at running things, let’s just put him in charge of everything.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday he would establish a government efficiency commission headed by billionaire supporter Elon Musk if he wins the Nov. 5 election, during a wide-ranging speech in which he laid out his economic vision for the country.

Speaking at the New York Economic Club, the former president also pledged to slash corporate tax rates for companies that manufacture domestically, establish “low-tax” zones on federal lands where construction companies would be encouraged to build new homes, and start a sovereign wealth fund.

Trump had been discussing the idea of an efficiency commission with aides for weeks, people with knowledge of those conversations have told Reuters. His Thursday speech, however, was the first time he publicly endorsed the idea.

It was also the first time Trump said Musk had agreed to head the body. Trump did not detail how such a commission would operate, besides saying it would develop a plan to eliminate “fraud and improper payments” within six months of being formed.

I will create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government,” Trump told an audience that included Trump’s former treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin, and financiers Scott Bessent and John Paulson.

Elon Musk can’t even administrate his own carb intake. He just sits around and smokes weed and eats snacks while playing Diablo 4 (four).

But I’m sure he can administrate the government, right?

During his speech, Trump reiterated his plan to cut the corporate tax rate to 15% from 21%, but only for companies that manufacture domestically. He also said he would open up federal land to homebuilding in a bid to drive down housing costs. These new housing zones would be “low-tax” and “low-regulation,” Trump said, without elaborating.

Trump said he would ban mortgages for migrants living illegally in California, after asserting without evidence that they were driving up housing costs. He did not provide specifics on how he would enact such a ban. Banks can provide mortgages to migrants in the country illegally, but do so infrequently.

Opening up federal land for homebuilding is actually a good idea.

Of course, you wouldn’t need to do that if you just expelled the immigrant filth. There would be more than enough cheap housing if we just deported everyone who isn’t white.

We would also have safety and prosperity and everything else.

But Trump isn’t going to do that. He’s just going to open up federal lands to Jew real estate developers.

Trump is only running for the Jews, because no one else’s opinion matters.

Jews decide the elections.